Last night, just before the news Channel 5 unveiled the much anticipated music video for Idol #3's latest single 'Broken'. Already the song has been receiving much support on the airwaves, with Class 95 playing it up quite a fair bit (thank you!!) and its also climbing the 91.3 charts.

Its been sooo long since we've seen Airi on tv and its great to see him looking all worthy of his Idol title in this slick video, with this great and very radio-friendly song. Reminds me of the way I felt about Taufik's 'One Last' (the first single out after 'I Dream', I kept it on loop for like, forevah!)
Most of all, sit back and enjoy!
So how? You likey?
Personally, I like Ending 2 better. Kinda leaves things hanging, not your typical happy ending, most likely she won't find the letter/song.
Here are some of my fave shots from the video....
I absolutely loved the naked hanging lightbulbs. LOVE IT! I actually suggested to Airi that his music video have these hanging lightbulbs swaying in the wind and well, doubt it happened because of me, but it woulda been nice if it was haha.
I love the shots of the drums, the beat of the song is one of the best things about it, it grounds the melody (imo anyway). Btw, the drummer in the video is one of Airi's good friends. He's also one of the awesomest drummers I've ever seen play, and I had the privilege of watching one of their mini jam sessions - v. cool.
I like this shot for so many reasons. The colour of the wall totally helps break up the monotony of colour in the rest of the video which is mostly black/white/plain (which is simple and great, because the focus should be on the song). And I love that he's surrounded by 'equipment' - so music lor. Coulda done without the IKEA chair. Maybe a wooden, more er, rustic chair woulda looked better?
Who out there tried out for the casting call looking for 'Eurasian girls between 17 - 21 for a Ch5 music video? So obvious riiiight? :)
So did everyone think Amelia made the cut? Believable as Airi's love interest? Imo, not many shots of them together so couldn't really tell. Most of the shots of her were very 'Ghost Whisperer'-like to me. She is definitely pretty though.
This is definitely one of the best shots for me cos it actually shows them together, and you're given a sense of their chemistry, however, in this particular frame it looks like Airi's really pissed like "Hello-oh, I said I'm sorry already la, what else you want me to do....wahlaueh!"... and she's just stoning in that 'Melinda' way (I'm sure she was directed to stare into space and be indifferent).
Here's the 'Ghost Whisperer' shot... 'broken promises' written on the misty window.
And the follow up shot where the 'human' touches where the ghost once wrote.
The window thing was a nice touch. And, so, 0k, not to take the piss, silly GW comments aside, it was a really nicely shot video. I totally enjoyed it and I'm so happy that Channel 5 decided to produce one for Airi. Its sad that Taufik never really got a good music video for his first single (post win), so yay for Airi! And in that vein, one more shot of our Idol, singing his heart out for us. Can't wait for the next single to arrive - please Channel 5 make sure he has another video to go with! :)
xoxo, s.
ps. voting closes 12th May at midnight, so if you haven't cast your vote, go do so at the links above.