Tim Urban has 6-pack abs!
Saw this delish pic on zap2it.com and just HAD to share! Girls (and boys), this is a big part of the reason Timmy-boy is STILL on the show despite less than spectacular performances. He's just eye-candy and very likeable. He's survived two rounds of piano shows, lets see if he can make it to the Top 12.
Speaking of Top 12 - I saw Ellen D's tweet (see screen cap) and she's looking for a 'correspondent' for the upcoming Top 12 party! I waaaaant that job! Wahlao twitpic/ustream video til my phone explodes k!
Why is LA so far away? Sigh, one can dream right?
Ok, so, I finally got to watch American Idol last night (a whole FOUR days after it aired - so fail right? What to do, Mommy duties go 24hrs when kiddies are sick!) Simon Cowell's trailer is TWO-Frigggin'-STOREYS high? Does he live in Monaco and not get taxed on his income or what?
Ok, so last week, the boys and girls switched nights cos Crystal Bowersox had to be hospitalised (rumours online speculating she had to be treated for Type I Diabetes) and the boys gallantly agreed to switch despite that meaning they have one day less to rehearse. I think it hurt them overall, but since they're all in the same boat, its still fair for the boys. The girls definitely did better this week overall.
Here's a quick lookback at each of the Top 20.
Top 10 Boys
Michael Lynche
Big Mike strikes me as an overachiever - musical theatre/jock. He should guest star on Glee :) His performance was good vocally, but it was so slow, I yawned. I thought he was also a tad drama, but then again, thats his big personality shining through. The guy's a fan fave (and the judges loved it), so he should make it to Top 12.
John Park

Not a good choice of song for the second week in a row. With nary a backstory to back him up in viewers' minds, all I recall is last week sang a super slow song, and was called indulgent. This week, do the same kind of slow song again. Kara says he doesn't connect with the song and isn't letting loose - Asian roots playing a part here? After all, we are known for bein' uptight (kiasu, kiasee etc) right? Die lor.
Casey James
WOOT! LOVED IT! Two great song choices over the past two weeks.
Not only is this Gavin DeGraw song totally recogniseable and liked, (thanks to One Tree Hill, the refrain is part of pop culture history), Casey totally rocked it out with his guitar! Fulemak, loved the ending where he went 'Ey! Ey!' while he channeled some guitar god! Totally disagree with Kara and Simon here, I think he brought it - imo totally frontrunner for me for the boys. Sorry Andrew 'my original fave' Garcia.
Alex Lambert
Looks like a young Paul McCartney? He's adorable and has this 'hurt lil puppy' vibe you just want to take him home and pat him and tell him 'everything'll be ok' :) I like his tone, reminds me of Airi. I liked his performance. Its like the guitar helped 'shield' him from whatever it was that made him nervous - he looked comfortable and into it.
Btw peeps, did you catch Simon subliminally 'plugging' X-factor? He said, 'I wish I was choosing your songs for you at this stage' - a characteristic that isn't on the Idol format, but on X Factor, the judges mentor the contestants and do help with song selection - conspiracy theory? What do you think?
Todrick Hall
Simon called him Tondrick...sigh.
I think REKS were way harsh on him. I like Todrick and I don't think he did that bad a job on that Tina Turner song. Hopefully America sees past that, and he gets to stay one more week.
Jermaine Sellers

I find the way he speaks so endearing. And his onesie! Very memorable :) His personality kinda reminds me of Chris Rock (maybe too many Rush Hour 3 trailers running on Ch5).
The song however, ugh, sorry, but I love Marvin Gaye and I felt he didn't do it justice - it was OTT. I think Simon said it right, 'you water down the songs'.
Andrew Garcia
What can I say? "Straight Up" may have put him through to Top 24, but it may also be the downfall that keeps him from Top 12. Last week and this week, although he sang well, judges and viewers (imo) including myself, are disappointed. James Morrison's 'You Give Me Something' shoulda paid off, but somehow it didn't (maybe its cos he didn't have the guitar, cos he went flat a few times), and next week, he's definitely gotta top "Straight Up" to get into the Top 12. Will his status as a 'Youtube star' help him?
Aaron Kelly
I love this boy's voice :) and he's just so earnest you can't help but love him right? His version of My Girl had me bobbing my head to it, so I think not bad la. I'm pretty sure he's gonna make it to Top 12. He's like Jesse McCartney + David Archuleta + Justin Bieber all rolled into one.
Tim Urban
I agree with Simon on this one - he definitely gets highest marks for improving. But I also have to agree with Ellen, he should be on Glee. He seriously looks like an actor playing the part of a singer - last week and this week - a friend and I recently concurred that he reminded us of a stiff Tom Welling (Smallville) coming out to sing.
Lee Dewyze
He did a great job closing the show. I totally agree with Kara that his voice is radio-ready. I looked away a few times when he was singing and he sounds like The Fray or Hoobastank (said as much last week), and I think he could be the guy to beat this season if he makes the right song choices week after week. Oh, and could someone please get him a belt?
Guys I remember?
Lee, Casey. Yep, thats it.
In trouble imo...
Jermaine Sellers. John Park.
Top 10 Girls
Crystal Bowersox
The one to watch?
Crystal was the judges' favourite that night, and I have to say, I liked her this week more than last week - she looked very 'fresh' - her skin actually glowed (I think this makeup suited her better) and towards the end, she seriously started looking like Jewel (when Jewel first started out). However, I didn't really like her song - maybe country isn't my thing - unless its packaged like Casey James ;) (gotta join Kara's cougar club now...)
Haeley Vaughn

Painful. Just painful.
I think maybe she needs a few more years to grow up and experience life. Kara said there are probably a lot of people rooting for her at home - uh, I don't think so.
Lacey Brown
I likey.
Last week when Kara said Lacey's vibe was Six Pence None The Richer, I totally agreed. And I liked the way she changed up the song here and there - it surprised me, cos I figured she wouldn't have the 'power' and just do it straight.
However, eventhough I enjoyed it, Lacey strikes me more as the lead singer of a band...sorry girl, rootin' for ya tho'!
Katie Stevens
I've always loved 'Put Your Records On'. But imo, 'KayKay's' performance was too laidback and flat (overconfidence maybe?). I thought at the end, she was gonna amp it up, but she didn't. I mean, no doubt, Katie's got a great voice, and I never really expect that voice to come outta that face (yes face, she so cute she looks like she's meant to have a squeaky voice). Kinda agree with Kara, she needs that 'wow' moment.
Didi Benami
I feel that way cos I kinda see her going the way of Megan Joy (from last season). Hopefully next week she can up her game. Agree with Simon, 'Lean On Me' was too generic a song choice - very very bad song choice for her. For me, her top performance so far was Kara's 'Terrified'.
Michelle Delamor

Creed. Respeck to her for taking the risk, but sorry, not the right song choice though.
Michelle looks like she could play the 'Mimi' character on the musical "Rent" (my fave musical btw, I watched it 3 times when SRT staged it here!). And when she sang the Creed song, it was like she was part of the cast of the musical version of Green Day's '21 Guns'. Maybe she should try Broadway if this doesn't work out.
And wow, Vera Wang for piano show? Happening. (I thought it looked kinda wedding-y!)
Lilly Scott
Like Kara, I was riveted. I was totally transported back in time to the 70s and was just totally still throughout the performance. And Randy hit the mark when he said 'Bjork'! Lilly totally had some 'Bjork'-y references in that performance and I loved it!
I seriously am rooting for her just cos she's so refreshing - way to hit it outta the park girl! Woot!
Katelyn Epperly
She plays the piano? Cool.
'The Scientist' is one of those songs that just gets you right there. And although I agree a little (just a small little bit) with Ellen, that it was a bit snooze-y (s.l.o.w.), I agree a whole lot more with Kara. I don't know why, but I simply love Katelyn - everything about her, from her cute smile, great skin, fabulouso curls, and of course great vocals, even her name...its so starlet can?
I also agree with Simon that this was a really good choice of song, and it made her contemporary, putting her back in the race. Imo, 3rd behind Lilly and Crystal, in front of Michelle.
Btw, if you watched the recent season of The Bachelor (Jake Pavelka), don't you think she looks like she could be Ali Fedotowsky's sister? (see pic).
Paige Miles
Colouring? Seriously? Okay. Its your VT.
I already don't really remember her - all I remember was thinking she shoulda gone home last week. Sorry, no personality. No spark. No backstory. Forgettable.
She definitely needs to have a 'moment' to get her to the Final Top 12.
Siobhan Magnus
RESPECK - takin' on Aretha! And she's such a small, skinny lil' thing.
"You are such a strange person."- Simon Cowell
I have to agree with Simon. She's just so interesting, I can't help but look forward to seeing what she's gonna do from week to week. Plus, although she's a bit of a freak, she's actually quite pretty (and has what seems like a lot of very white teeth!).
Who do I personally remember?
Lilly. Siobhan. Katelyn. Lacey. Crystal.
Going home imo...
Haeley. Paige.
10 guys + 10 girls singing 'I Gotta Feeling', now THAT'S what I call 'watered-down'. When the girls started singing, I thought I was watching a Miss America pageant lol!

I think I was looking forward more to catching Gokey than I was the actual results. I mean, c'mon its just Piano Shows right? The REAL competition only starts at Top 12 right? Right? So Danny...he's lost some weight and is lookin' hawt! I've so missed him! It was just great seeing him back on the Idol stage and his positivity and just his exuberance for life....its amazing how he's bounced back from the tragic death of his wife.
He's back to also promote his new country album 'My Best Days'. Never really thought he'd go 'country' but I guess it suits him. He may just give Carrie Underwood a run for her country money.
Over 27 million votes came in (wahlao, thats like SI's Finals x27! LOL!), and I guessed 3 out of 4 right :). I wrote the above predictions before I watched the Results Show (and no, I didn't cheat by googling!).
Out :
John & Jermaine; Michelle & Haeley
Damn, Paige is safe. Ugh, hated that it was down to Didi and Michelle, cos I like Michelle, but her lack of backstory (this is so important), means viewers don't connect as much. So bye bye Michelle. Haeley vs Lacey was also quite predictable - Lacey was waaaay better than Haeley.
My predictions for the Top 12 are :
Lee Dewyze
Michael Lynche
Casey James
Aaron Kelly
Alex Lambert
Tim Urban

Possibly out : Todrick Hall, Andrew Garcia
The first 5 names above are already huge fan favourites. So with only one spot left for boys, I would say it goes to Tim Urban - see shirtless pic at the top to understand why. Andrew's more talented than Tim, but he hasn't been performing the last two weeks, and that one Hollywood Week sparkle may not be enough to keep him in.
Crystal Bowersox
Lilly Scott
Katie Stevens
Siobhan Magnus
Katelyn Epperly
Paige Miles/Didi Benami
In trouble : Lacey Brown, Didi Benami/Paige Miles

I hope Didi makes it through, but as weeks ago by and people get to know Paige more, she has the voice, so she may actually get through. I really wish I could like her more, but I don't know, she just bores me, not Idol material imo. I mean, colouring hippos....power to you for a great and safe hobby (for ages 3 & up)....*yaawwwn*
Who do you think will make up the Top 12?
We'll know this Friday who are the Top 12. Can't wait! Ok back to watching the Oscars now....did you watch?
xoxo, s.
ps. If you haven't been watching Survivor, aiyo its damn good la, please go watch.