1. Learn the steps for their group song - MJ's "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'"
Monday, August 31, 2009
Group 1 @ Choreo
Get up on the dancefloor!
Its Monday night, 7.30pm.
The first 12 Idol hopefuls are at Training School for their choreo session with Zaki.
Two tasks for tonight :
1. Learn the steps for their group song - MJ's "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'"
1. Learn the steps for their group song - MJ's "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'"
2. Work out their steps for their solos.
Here are some vids from today's session...
Actually I felt that they all weren't too bad. Pretty coordinated for what seemed like a pretty complicated routine to me.
Kudos to (Mr) Zaki for his lovely one-liners, and whippin' 'em into shape so quickly.
*Latest update, the choreo session ended at 11pm. Waaay earlier than I expected considering I left at 10pm (thinking it was gonna drag on til at least 1am!)
**Latest Latest Update, group choreo ended at 11pm. Solos went on til 1am!
Check out my twitter (see right sidebar to follow me) for my updates while at Choreo.
Ok, am off to fix up the missing 8 profiles for Group 2!
xoxo, s.
Posted by
11:18 PM
Friday, August 28, 2009
two Idol videos worth watching....
Too blur to post and do my Ep4 review... so here are two Idol-related vids worth watching.
Check out Gabrielle Ferdinands singing T-Shirt...nice :) - i like this!
And Frances Maria singing Mama Do (a duet with a guy called Dinesh?)- Enjoy!
Check out Frances' profile here.
Gabby's profile is a work in progress at the moment, she's in Piano Show #2. In the meantime, you can check out her YouTube channel.
Much love to Gabby and Frances!
xoxo, s.
ps. Also check out this CNA video of some interviews done with Teddy (Theodore), Mae and Ryan at Friday's Idol media conference at Caldecott Hill. CLICK HERE. If you don't see it, click on the calendar video archives, its listed under World, dated 27 Aug.
pps. ooh..just found this! An interview with Malaque and Jannah...watch!
Posted by
11:50 PM
Piano Show : Group 1 Glamour Trailer & Voting Interstitials!
Lovin' the new Top 24 trailer - everyone looks so good!
Here are the voting details! Pencil/paper...JOT THEM DOWN!
Lines open only at 8pm on 2nd September, when the show starts!
Hope all the telcos are ready for the INFLUX of calls/smses!!
xoxo, s.
Posted by
3:14 AM
Thursday, August 27, 2009
My bad *bang head on wall*
dear readers,
sorry y'all. not sure whats happening, but some of the Idol profile posts have finally gone live and they've come out gibberish (as in the WIP stage), so I've cleared 'em all, and am starting them again.
So sorry for the inconvenience caused. And thank you so much for supporting this blog.
To the LODIs, so sorry you guys, I so need Blogging For Dummies right now... sigh, and here I thought I'd get to sleep tonight :P *bleah*
3.56am, Friday 29th August.
I've salvaged whatever I could, so will now spend the weekend redoing the 9 missing profiles of
Amira, Justin, Charlene, Jonathan, Duane, Faizal, Sylvia, Samantha and Gabrielle....
So sorry you guys! My bad....
- someone please gift me Blogging For Dummies this Christmas....
much lov to the LODIs.
Episode 4 is up!
Episode 4 is online now....here you go!
My review will have to come later. In the meantime, watch!
This is the BEST episode of Idol so far...LOVIN' IT!
Did you agree with the judges' decision on who they've put through to the Top 24? Share your comments.
Profiles of each of the Top 24 are slowly comin' up on the blog. Keep checkin' in to check out your favourites. Links to their profiles are on the right side bar.
xoxo, s.
Posted by
9:42 AM
The Idol Top24 Promo Schedule
Get to know your Top 24!
Channel 5 has organised roadshows and radio interviews for the Top 24....here are the details :
Publicity dates for first 12 :
29 August (This Saturday!!)
Idol Roadshow @ The Cathay, 2pm - 3pm
See them in person!
Charles, Frances, MJ, Jannah, Farhan, Ryan, Malaque, Nurul, Theodore, Douglas, Tabitha and Syltra.
31 August, Monday
Idol Interview on 987FM, 9am - 9.30am
On radio : Charles, Frances, MJ and Jannah
1 Sept, Tuesday
Idol Interview on 987FM, 9am - 9.30am
On radio : Ryan, Malaque, Nurul and Farhan
2 Sept, Wednesday (IDOL DAY! Woot!)
Idol Interview on 987FM, 9am - 9.30am
On radio : Theodore, Douglas, Tabitha and Syltra
IDOL DAY, 2 Sept
8pm : LIVE Performance Show
10pm : LIVE Results Show
*Remember, voting commences at the START of the show (unlike previous seasons)
Vote by Phone
Here are the numbers to call for your first group of 12..
Charles 1900 112 1201
Frances 1900 112 1202
MJ 1900 112 1203
Jannah 1900 112 1204
Farhan 1900 112 1205
Ryan 1900 112 1206
Malaque 1900 112 1207
Nurul 1900 112 1208
Theodore 1900 112 1209
Douglas 1900 112 1210
Tabitha 1900 112 1211
Syltra 1900 112 1212
Will update later with the SMS codes.
Don't forget to support your favourites!! SO EXCITING can?!
Publicity dates for the second group of 12 are :
5 Sept (NEXT Saturday)
Idol Roadshow @ Lot One, 3pm - 4pm
See them in person!
Sezairi, Gabrielle, Duane, Jonathan, Fathin Amira, Sylvia Ratonel, Faizal Isa, Charlene Torres-Tan, Benjamin Chow, Samantha Lee, Justin Jap and Mae Sta Maria.
7 Sept, Monday
Idol Interview on 987FM, 9am - 9.30am
On radio : Sezairi, Gabrielle, Duane and Sylvia
8 Sept, Tuesday
Idol Interview on 987FM, 9am - 9.30am
On radio : Jonathan, Benjamin, Charlene and Amira
9 Sept, Wednesday (IDOL DAY! Woot!)
Idol Interview on 987FM, 9am - 9.30am
On radio : Samantha, Justin, Mae and Faizal
IDOL DAY, 9 Sept
8pm : LIVE Performance Show
10pm : LIVE Results Show
*Remember, voting commences at the START of the show (unlike previous seasons)
Will post the numbers to call next week when I update this post. For now, go concentrate on the first 12!
Wheeeeee! Idol has REALLY started now....
xoxo, s.
Posted by
8:51 AM
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Introducing Your Top 24
Singapore, meet your Top 24!
(quick post!)

Introducing :
Your Top 24 Girls
Jannah Shaharuddin
Syltra Lee
Nurul Huda
Malaque Mahdaly
Frances Maria
Samantha Lee
Gabrielle Ferdinands
Sylvia Ratonel
Charlene Torres-Tan
Tabitha Nauser
Fathin Amira
Mae Sta Maria
And your Top 24 Guys
Theodore Teow
Jonathan Cheok
Charles Wong
MJ Kuok
Douglas Wong
Benjamin Chow
Farhan Shah
Duane Ho
Justin Jap
Ryan Lee
Sezairi Sezali
Faizal Isa
Their profiles will be released one by one over the course of the night. So stay tuned to this blog :)
**Links to the individual profiles are listed on the right sidebar for easy access!**
On To The Piano Shows!
Next Wednesday, 12 will take the stage for the first Piano Show.
Only 6 will go through to the Spectaculars. 3 from the public vote, and 3 from the Judges' Save.
Here are your first 12 :
Charles Wong
Frances Maria
MJ Kuok
Jannah Shaharuddin
Farhan Shah
Ryan Lee
Malaque Mahdaly
Nurul Huda
Theodore Teow
Douglas Wong
Tabitha Nauser
Syltra Lee
Who will go through to the Spectaculars?
The following Wednesday, 9th Sept, the next group of 12 will perform for Piano Show #2.
Your 2nd group of 12 are :
Sezairi Sezali
Gabrielle Ferdinands
Duane Ho
Jonathan Cheok
Fathin Amira
Sylvia Ratonel
Faizal Isa
Charlene Torres-Tan
Benjamin Chow
Samantha Lee
Justin Jap
Mae Sta Maria
Congratulations to the Top 24! Work hard and good luck for the next round! See you at the Piano Shows!
xoxo, s.
Posted by
10:20 PM
Singapore Idol Top 24 : Mae Sta Maria
In The Shower with :
Mae Sta Maria
(nickname : Turtle)

In 3 words, Mae describes herself as Deep, Passionate and Nutty...sounds almost like a commercial for a Dark Nutty Chocolate bar :)
She is definitely passionate that's for sure. Mae's the kind of girl that needs a 'Pause' button once a while cos she gets so excited and can just keep rambling on and on about animals, people, her husband (aww), clothes, Idol, gardening (and how she does not want to) etc....
She's lovely la...just the kind of girl everyone would be friends with, Idol or not. :)
Quick facts about Mae :
Lives in : East
Occupation : Bank Teller (seriously? OCBC? UOB? OUB?)
Favourite MJ song : I Want You Back (the song saved her life at Theatres :))
Favourite Judge : Ken
Single/Attached? : Married <-- her husband is cute y'all!
Who does she think will win Idol 3? Farhan.
If music is your first love, what is your second?
My second greatest love that is not music related is definitely Basketball! I recently was in America where i was lucky enough to watch 4 NBA games. I also will support any playing level of basketball like local games, amateur games, people playing down stairs my papa's block,by loudly shouting , cheering and commentating on their games. "foul" "defense...clap clap clap" are what you would normally hear from me. Funnily enough...I have never played the sport.:)
Secret Single Behaviour : What do you do on your own that no one knows about?
My secret obsession other than blowing saliva bubbles is probably my obsession with finding convertible outfits...you know: dresses that can turn into tops that can turn into skirts that can turn into hats (not really) I get soooo happy when i find a convertible item that i love. I've got a few but my current fave is my American Apparel circle scarf (you should google it...it's so cool) Weirdly enough, only one other person knows about this.
summerr's take :
Mae being the oldest contestant on the show and probably with the most performing experience, having been on Australian Idol (she made it to the Top 100), definitely has a more controlled sound. She's also very determined and listens to the tons advice heaped on her by judges, Vocal Coach Ann and Music Director Indra.
I get the feeling she really really REALLY wants this :) Drive is good. Being able to handle constructive criticism is even better.
Here's a sample of her own music which can be found online (her links are at the end of this post).
Make a date with Mae!
Saturday, 5 Sept Aug : Lot One, 3pm -4pm
Catch Mae in person at the second Idol roadshow where you get to meet the 2nd group of 12 that will be performing at Piano Show #2.
Wednesday, 9 Sept : Caldecott Hill, 9am - 930am, 987FM
Tune in to 987FM at 9am to catch Mae's first radio interview, alongside Justin, Samantha and Faizal.
Wednesday, 9 Sept : Caldecott Broadcast Centre, Studio 1
Singapore Idol Piano Show #2, 8pm and The Results Show later at 10pm, on Channel 5.
Mae will be performing the Leona Lewis hit "Better In Time".
To vote for Mae :
Call 1900 112 1212 or text 12 to IDOLS (43657)
Each call/sms costs 60cents.
Lines only open from 8pm on 9th Sept 2009.
Posted by
9:24 PM
Singapore Idol Top 24 : Justin Jap
In The Shower with :

I've been drawing since I could hold a pencil, but I learnt how to do so properly when my parents sent me for art lessons at the age of 4. As time progressed, my interest intensified and my parents realized that I had an aptitude for drawing & painting. As such, they signed me up for various drawing competitions. I often came in 1st, or at least in the top 3 (yes, I'm rather proud of it :D). However, as I departed from childhood and into adolescence (ie after PSLE), I stopped my art lessons due to heavy school commitments. But even then, I still continued to draw whenever I could. Nowadays I just doodle, but I do sit down occasionally and try to paint like I used to. Like every art buff, I enjoy visiting museums, especially when I'm abroad. My favourite art museum so far? The Louvre.

Justin is indeed a geek. Such a lovable one too, and a very Chic geek mind you. He totes only Apple stuff!
iPhone - check!
iBook - check!
iPod - check!
Justin has also admitted to me that he likes studying. Which will suit him fine because he's due to enter PRE-MED in the U.S. if Idol doesn't work out for him. Pre-med guys! Talk about your smarts! He can be the Singing Doctor :)

Quick facts about Justin :
Lives in : North
Occupation : Student
Favourite MJ song : I'll Be There
Favourite Judge : Ken
Single/Attached? : Single
Who does she think will win Idol 3? Mae.
If music is your first love, what is your second?
Both my maternal & paternal grandmothers, as well as my mother, are wonderful cooks (well nowadays maybe not so much for my paternal grandma cos she's got dementia and all). So I've picked up a thing or two from them. If you live to eat, it's only natural to love cooking too. Aside from the family recipes that I have been taught, I also pick up new recipes from tv shows (Discovery Travel & Living - the best channel ever created for domesticated rats like myself) and cookbooks. Cooking, like housework, is very satisfying and therapeutic for me.
(ooh we gotta do an Idol potluck!)
Both my maternal & paternal grandmothers, as well as my mother, are wonderful cooks (well nowadays maybe not so much for my paternal grandma cos she's got dementia and all). So I've picked up a thing or two from them. If you live to eat, it's only natural to love cooking too. Aside from the family recipes that I have been taught, I also pick up new recipes from tv shows (Discovery Travel & Living - the best channel ever created for domesticated rats like myself) and cookbooks. Cooking, like housework, is very satisfying and therapeutic for me.
(ooh we gotta do an Idol potluck!)
I've been drawing since I could hold a pencil, but I learnt how to do so properly when my parents sent me for art lessons at the age of 4. As time progressed, my interest intensified and my parents realized that I had an aptitude for drawing & painting. As such, they signed me up for various drawing competitions. I often came in 1st, or at least in the top 3 (yes, I'm rather proud of it :D). However, as I departed from childhood and into adolescence (ie after PSLE), I stopped my art lessons due to heavy school commitments. But even then, I still continued to draw whenever I could. Nowadays I just doodle, but I do sit down occasionally and try to paint like I used to. Like every art buff, I enjoy visiting museums, especially when I'm abroad. My favourite art museum so far? The Louvre.
Secret Single Behaviour : What do you do on your own that no one knows about?
I HAVE to floss my teeth after eating apples because I have a snaggle-tooth that always traps bits of apple in them. If I don't floss I'd feel really uncomfortable with myself.
I only eat green and yellow Skittles.
When I'm in the shower, I'll play music from my phone and dance like a loon! (PS: I have two left feet by the way, so when I say "dance", I don't actually mean dancing. More like flailing.)
I have a child-like obsession with numbers and I like to count the number of steps every time I take the stairs.
I only eat green and yellow Skittles.
When I'm in the shower, I'll play music from my phone and dance like a loon! (PS: I have two left feet by the way, so when I say "dance", I don't actually mean dancing. More like flailing.)
I have a child-like obsession with numbers and I like to count the number of steps every time I take the stairs.
I'm lovin' Justin. He's a real character. Sweet as can be, funny to the bone and just all-round nice guy. Ever ready to help non-geeks like myself (and quite a number of the other LODIs), he's affable, quirky (which I likey) and genuine.
We haven't seen much of him from Episodes 1 - 4, so I'm hoping he'll put up more videos of himself now that his youtube channel is up (see links at the end of this post), so that we can get to know him better.
On top of being great friend material, (and apparently draw to save his life) Justin can sing his face off too. Check out the video below which I found on youtube, not on his official youtube page. Just listen to that voice....talent talent talent. People please vote and put talent like this through ok?
One of my favourite songs from the movie Beaches (oops, did that statement just reveal how old I am?)
Make a date with Justin!
Saturday, 5 Sept Aug : Lot One, 3pm -4pm
Catch Justin in person at the second Idol roadshow where you get to meet the 2nd group of 12 that will be performing at Piano Show #2.
Wednesday, 9 Sept : Caldecott Hill, 9am - 930am, 987FM
Tune in to 987FM at 9am to catch Justin's first radio interview, with Mae, Samantha and Faizal.
Wednesday, 9 Sept : Caldecott Broadcast Centre, Studio 1
Singapore Idol Piano Show #2, 8pm and The Results Show later at 10pm, on Channel 5.
Justin will be performing Ne-Yo's hit "So Sick".
To vote for Justin :
Call 1900 112 1211 or text 11 to IDOLS (43657)
Each call/sms costs 60cents.
Lines only open from 8pm on 9th Sept 2009.

Find Justin online :
xoxo, s.
Posted by
9:23 PM
Singapore Idol Top 24 : Samantha Lee
In The Shower with :
Samantha Lee
(nickname : Badgirl)

When I asked Sam to describe herself in 3 words, she replied 'I Don't Know'...hrm, I wasn't sure if that was a joke or not!
Anyway, 3 words that I would use to describe her would be Sexy. Rocker. Chick. She just has that rocker chick vibe, what with the leather jacket, black heels and guitar!
Here's something else you probably didn't know about Sam, she is pretty musical. The girl plays drums, guitar and the piano. To chill, she actually indulges in classical music like Chopin (her favourite)! Hope her musicality shines through, because the Judges LURVE musicality (and usually, so does the audience)!

Quick facts about Samantha :
Lives in : Central
Occupation : Musician
Favourite MJ song : Billie Jean
Favourite Judge : Ken
Single/Attached? : Attached
Who does she think will win Idol 3? Syltra.
If music is your first love, what is your second?
Second greatest love will be cooking and baking. I can cook chinese, italian and japanese ^_^ and I can bake some really good cheesecake too.
(so totally unexpected - the Rocker is domesticated - cheesecake to boot! yum!)
Secret Single Behaviour : What do you do on your own that no one knows about?
I talk to my puppy, literally.
(woman of few words :) but she talks to her puppy, how sweet!)
summerr's take :
Producers nicknamed her 'diarrhoea girl' after her infamous latecoming episode. Thank goodness the judges decided to let her stay the day (unlike Ruben Raj's brutal dismissal).
Samantha doesn't seem the chatty type (as seen in her short and succinct answers too - while others have had verbal diarrhoea, no pun intended).
But the girl can sing.
note : Don't you think she looks like Stefanie Sun?
Check out this vid of her solo from Theatre Auditions. She's singing "Heaven". There's also a very cool cover of Immortal at her fanpage - do check it out, link is at the bottom of this post!
Make a date with Samantha!
Saturday, 5 Sept Aug : Lot One, 3pm -4pm
Catch Samantha in person at the second Idol roadshow where you get to meet the 2nd group of 12 that will be performing at Piano Show #2.
Wednesday, 9 Sept : Caldecott Hill, 9am - 930am, 987FM
Tune in to 987FM at 9am to catch Samantha's first radio interview, with Mae, Justin and Faizal.
Wednesday, 9 Sept : Caldecott Broadcast Centre, Studio 1
Singapore Idol Piano Show #2, 8pm and The Results Show later at 10pm, on Channel 5.
Samantha will be performing the No Doubt classic "Don't Speak".
To vote for Samantha :
Call 1900 112 1210 or text 10 to IDOLS (43657)
Each call/sms costs 60cents.
Lines only open from 8pm on 9th Sept 2009.
Find Samantha online :
xoxo, s.
Posted by
9:22 PM
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