In The Shower with :
Ryan Lee
(nickname : Glamourboy)

Ryan is a character. Sassy as hell. But also hilarious, as long as you're not on the receiving end of the b*tch wand. :) He's honest and will call you out straight to your face. Only a really honest person would dare to describe themselves as manipulative and bitchy on a popularity contest like Idol. (An honest person or a drama queen :))
Quick facts about Ryan :
Lives in : South
Occupation : Student, Hwa Zhong International
Favourite MJ song : Dirty Diana
Favourite Judge : Ken
Single/Attached? : Single
Who does he think will win Idol 3? Frances.
If music is your first love, what is your second?
My second love, I think would be, fashion. I want to be a fashion editor for a foreign magazine in the future. I love unique weird fashion styles. Like Lady Gaga. But not too gross like HUGE BOWS on head (oops, have you got a certain ousted contestant in mind?) or like Korean, Japanese weird fashion. Well I wanna be a fashion editor in a magazine. Like Miranda Priesly from devil wears prada. .. but not in Singapore, in New York or Paris...:)
I like shopping but I don't LOVE it. I'd rather judge and write about them, because how much can a guy buy? Seriously LOL, its easier for a girl cause they have accessories and bags and what not. So I'd rather judge and write about it. Feels awesome.
Other than that, it's FOOD. ULTIMATE FOOD. I have such a high metabolic rate (so unfair!!) that eating is a chore for me. I love to eat, because I dont gain weight easily. I lose weight just by not eating a proper meal for a week. <-- too much? pfft!
Secret Single Behaviour : What do you do on your own that no one knows about?
Weird things I do alone. Hmm.. well i'm a very straight forward and brutal person when it comes to up front-ness and honesty. I also share my weirdness with my friends (: it's a good laugh and sometimes interesting. Like for example, whenever I'm in a car or taxi, and it goes into a tunnel. I like to hold my breath and close my eyes and that will be the 'infinite zone'. I tell myself I get to fantasize about ANYTHING. and I will not feel a drop of guilt. Cause when the tunnel's over, I drop the train of thought. It's like just to make me smile and wonder. (:
(ok, that was so random, but I get the holding your breath thing, tunnels always inspire weirdness....I just always held my breath to see if I could beat the tunnel or the tunnel would beat me! LOL)
♥ ryry <--- doncha just love that sign off?

summerr's take :
Ryan is bitchy. And he makes no excuses for it. He tells it like it is, and a little more.
His less than savoury comments about fellow contestants have landed him in 'public' hot water. Forum threads are abuzz about his attitude etc.
Before the show aired, producers had already told me he had created some drama with his comments, but when I saw episode 3, I didn't think his comments were that bitchy. His group mate really was not in time....wouldn't it be normal to be frustrated about it, especially after rehearsing all night?
Some people self-censure when on national tv, its obvious Ryan doesn't. Oh well, if the camera's gonna be in your face 24/7, you have to decide early on if you want to be outwardly bitchy or not. I'm glad he's decided to be genuine (and sassy!). What's a reality show without people like Ryan right?
Ryan will be singing Michael Buble's "Moondance". I heard him at vocal training and I thought he sounded pretty suave. He's young though, so we hope he can pull it off. Either way, we can be sure he'll provide us some drama on his way up or out.
By the way, some trivia about his name.
"My name is Ryan Scott Santoso-Lee cause my mom is from Indonesia, and my dad is chinese. ON my IC. it's Ryan Lee Wen Kye 'cause I was born in Hong Kong. But when I got older and my parents divorced, my mom became a christian, so we got to pick names. Mine was Ryan Scott. and my mom's last name and my dad's last name was thus."
Make a date with Ryan!
Saturday, 29 Aug : The Cathay, 2pm -3 pm
Catch Ryan in person at the first Idol roadshow where you get to meet the first group of 12 that will be performing next Wednesday at Piano Show #1.
Tuesday, 1 Sept : Caldecott Hill, 9am - 930am, 987FM
Tune in to 987FM at 9am to catch Ryan's first radio interview, along with Malaque, Nurul and Farhan.
Wednesday, 2 Sept : Caldecott Broadcast Centre, Studio 1
Singapore Idol Piano Show #1, 8pm and The Results Show later at 10pm, on Channel 5.
Ryan perform's Michael Buble's "Moondance".
To vote for Ryan :
Call 1900 112 1206 or text 6 to IDOLS (43657)
Each call/sms costs 60cents.
Lines will only open from 8pm on 2nd Sept 2009.
Find Ryan online :
-watch this space-
xoxo, s.
Lol. I think he is the best thing that happened to idol. MY MOTHER IS IN LOVE WITH HIM. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
ReplyDeleteand it's not true that he doesn't have it. if you know him, everything he does is SO HILARIOUS. if not, then so be it. well either way, ryry doesn't hide. he's very very open. i mean get to know him, give him a chance. who knows?
i think he's just awesomeeeeeeee
At the end of the day, a successful idol who wants to make it big out there has to be humble from the beginning. Since you may have good vocals, that should not propel towards arrogance. Doing that will mark the beginning of your downfall.
ReplyDeleteUltimately, an idol has to have marketable capabilities and a great personality, being a bitch does not mean you have a great personality, Ryan has neither of both. So even if he wins (which is like less than 0.0000000000000000000001% of happening), he will be trash.
Let's watch, if he really have that capability of commanding the support of the majority of Singaporeans or become a laughing trash at the end.
haha i love haters. i support you.
ReplyDeleteryan. watch yourself. karmas a bitch
aiiyya majority or not. he still tried out. and thats him what. like im sure he knows who the target audience is... he mean and what also all fr show one luh. im sure he knoes that
ReplyDeleteRead the line properly no one said he is a lousy singer. Its his...bitchiness that really is a turn off! Its fine to be a bitch...but overly bitchiness can be a big turn off...
Mary and Ryan are tight aight. So i'm sure that it's a misunderstanding or some shit. go ask either of them.
ReplyDeleteHey you guys. It's me Ryan.
ReplyDeleteI know where all of you are coming from. Positive stuff, I'm glad hey [:
And the negative, I'm sorry you feel that way, but really I'm not like that. I mean I'm just clearing the air here.
1. My motor-mouth. It's just me, I think everyone has their own opinions? Like I've said before, if I bitch I should be able to take hits.
2. My bitchiness. I know it's not always a good thing. It's something I have to work on, at the same time I am still proud of it. Like don't get me wrong. I'm proud of it because it's who I am and I'm sorry if it doesn't appeal to some of you guys?
3. About Mary's song, I was wrong to assume stuff. And now friendships are at stake. I was thinking I'd do her proud. Apparently I was wrong. So I guess it's just the way things are.
I'm gonna clear the air. And make everything right. Learning is part of growing. So I should learn to be more sensitive and 'humble' from what I hear from people. Either way, I hope you guys understand where I'm coming from. All of what I've said btw is all very upfront.
P.S to you guys who don't like me, if you guys wanna bitch and say your piece? No matter what it is. You should put your name and do it like a man. UPFRONT and PERSONAL. Still... I'm just saying. Don't mean to come across anything BUT just telling you guys how I feel. Again, I hope you guys understand. Honest and upfront.
ReplyDeleteThank you for clearing the air. For what its worth, I think you're a genuine guy who just speaks before his brain has the time to censor his mouth.
Good to know you're hoping to remedy that a little. Don't do an overhaul ya? Its nice to have some honesty, even if its hard to swallow sometimes.
Chin up, babe!
Ryan is so bitchy cos he is a gay sista. Only a gay boy can be so drama n bitchy.
ReplyDeletewtf what has being gay got to do with ANYTHING here?! give him a break people! stop being so narrow minded.. just because we don't see much of people so candid like ryan does not make him a bad person. he hasn't really said anything malicious on tv...
ReplyDeletehahahahahhaha he looks like a little chiuwawa. picture him as idol. hahahah wtf
ReplyDeleteIs this a confession he "stole" the song from Mary? Omg, a complaint should be lodge to Mediacorp. He should be disqualified!
ReplyDeleteClaiming to be a own and not crediting the original writer for her work... so much for stardom...
ReplyDeleteSo much for putting your name up.
ReplyDeleteThere is no confession, and for the record. I did say that my close friend Mary wrote it. Didn't you read my post. And being gay? Really? LOL. Do you live in a well? ... I don't know, you tell me.
And thanks Wei. For putting your name up- Whatever the comment.
dude u weird.
ReplyDeleteadmit that you're gay you dont dress well enough to me a metrosexual.
How can u use some1 song for original songwriting?
ReplyDeleteIt's more complicated than just using a friends song. You don't know what's happening. Be it good or bad. Cause in FACT. You don't know me fully. And yeah in the media, a lot of things are more than meets the eye. Plus the pressure.
ReplyDeleteAnyway guys:
@ the weird comment- Lol yeah I am [: Just the way I like it. Like that bumper sticker, " i tried being normal, but I didn't like it " Hahaha. Bad thing or Good thing. Doesn't really matter to me cause I know myself. But thanks tho for putting it out there.
@ METROGUY - Hahaha right... I guess people have different opinions about style or fashion right? So your taste doesn't mean it's the worlds taste. But yeah you have a fair say and so does everyone. [:
@ KATHY - haha thanks, you. so sweet. hope there are more people who likes me for who I am [: <3
@ song comment. I mentioned it above.
x ryry
Wow it amazes me how narrow minded all this is yea hell i know 1st hand ryan is one of the bitchiest people i know but I LOVE HIM FOR IT. hell he is some one that keeps true to him self and to his dying day he is some one who wants to be an entertainer and im damn sure that he is entertaining. cuz im sitting here in melbourne and i only get to see ryry 2 or 3 times a year. hes one of my best mates, not to mention yea when i first met him i no doubt about it hated him haha sorry ryry, but hey hes a great bloke, and hes got a charming and amazing voice one that is different than almost all the contestants he is bold upfront and tells it like it is. i am a fellow singaporean but some times it shames me to think that others of my nationality a nation that are suppose to be of a place where every one is accepted, but almost all of the annonymous posts are all of people who are narrow minded and iunno maybe stay at home and dont think of a future in another country, probably still staying at home and will be for the next 20 years. grow up, open your eyes its the 21st century and times have changed the past is the past, and the world now adays is more open to the new and uncharted areas of life. honesty is becoming something hard to come by and when it comes round, the masses shun it as its not following the band wagon. everyones bitchy some more than others but if u want to be honest u would have to be a bit of a bitch.
ReplyDeletelove you ry
ur one of me best mates
NAAWWWHHHHHHHH FREDDDDDDDUUM. Haha thank you! It means the world to me. [[:
ReplyDelete<3 ryry
Firstly ry, lolol but okay
ReplyDelete1) Wht does sexual preferences hv to do with anything. Would there be a problem even if Ryan was gay cuz srsly it's gna spiral into an entire Adam Lambert fiasco, fucking nonsensical.
2) Wht the media portrays/whatever you see on tv isn't necessarily in line with the person AS himself in real life. people don't realize that &
3) Life's a bitch you gotta learn how to deal. Usually the people who squirm on honest and upfront answers are the ones who can't take on the culture shock. There's a fine line between unnecessary drama/bitchfits & genuinely just saying what really goes through your head. Ryan's the type who looks you in the eye and says it straight to your face.
So quit bitching about things you 1)don't know the full story of 2)hate about 377A!!!!11
obviously you are not idol material. having to defend yourself. u should have just like it slide and sing your heart out. but you're worried and defending yourself on a blog? ure too immature and not idol material. good luck
ReplyDeleteOf course sexuality has nothing 2 do with singing but Ryan is just 2 gay, 2 drama 4 local tv. His whole persona just turns people off. Big time. My 2 cents. Actually i personally know more than 25 people who dun like Ryan.
ReplyDeleteIdol need to possess tat likeability factor. Sorry to say this, but Ryan have the other extreme factor. Repulsiveness. His bitchy attitude just rub people the wrong way. People wun vote for him..
ReplyDeleteHonest? Straight forward? Up front? When does tat equal bitchy? You can do all tat without being bitchy. People are more acceptable of bitchy girls but bitchy boys? Shudder... ..
ReplyDeleteIts not the gay part we audience dun like. Its that very bitchy attitude part. He obviously has the making of a diva.
ReplyDeleteRyan, this is bullshit.
ReplyDeleteyou took my song without asking. and you knew i was upset about it. and all you cared about was your popularity if you were caught and ppl hating you. but i didnt even have to say or do anything . ppl found out and posted the truth up here. its time you learn that you dont always get what you want.
let them do what they want to you. ive been disrespected enough.
ReplyDeleteDo all of us a favour, lodge an official complaint to Mediacorp. He needs to be taught a lesson in life. He owes you due credit for that song! The worst part is that he used the song and passed it as his own on National TV.
This bitch doesn't deserve to be in the Top 24.
Since You like being upfront, I shall be. You suck both vocally and personally especially in the group audition when you tried to pull off "crazy thing called love". Being a musician myself, I can say honestly, you think you know more then you do. If you need me to tell you that in your face, we could always arrange an appointment for me to pull you back from your cloud of facade.
ReplyDeleteoh wow...
ReplyDeleteand it is only Singapore Idol...
so drama....
good luck ryan. even if u dun win, i'm sure TV will take u as their Drama Diva.
make money while u stil can. ahakz!
some of the "colourful" comments have had to be removed due to the consideration of our 'younger' readers and also common netizen courtesy.
ReplyDeletewould appreciated it if you would all please save your 'f' and 's' words for other sites.
thank you.
ryan has always been a fake loser.hope no one supports him, and pple c the real him.
ReplyDeleteHey guys,
ReplyDeleteI met Ryan during the boot camp, and eventhough he can get a little bit bitchy, I sincerely feel there's something to this guy.
He was really nice to me during the top 40 round and I'm thankful to have met him.
Give him a chance.. you'll see the true him!
This is TV Land.. things you think seemed a little over the top, might have just been placed there to create air waves.. have you stopped to consider that?
The people he supposedly bitched about/at have forgiven him and have in fact become pretty cool together with him.
Please give Ryan a chance..
Right now it's not about that. It's about his falseness. Stolen song,etc.
ReplyDeletewe don't really know the situation.. let him settle it with Mary Ma and Mediacorp first, ya?
ReplyDeletechill, people. it's a tv show! :)
Honest? Upfront-ness? Ryan, you really should eat your own words, fancy stealing your friend's song and using it as your own. And shedding crocodile's tears and being "apologetic" now the truth is out.
ReplyDeleteI bet you have no intentions of saying anything about it if no one has mentioned about Mary.
Honestly, all of you people bitching about Ryan might have grounds to do so but critisizing him because he's gay? That's just so last century.
ReplyDeleteTake your homophobic comments elsewhere. Him being gay, bi or otherwise has nothing to do with this competition or how he is as a person.
he kinda looks like a hyena from the lion king lol. any one agree?
ReplyDeleteall the way bitch . :)
ReplyDeleteWho cares if he is gay! Its the bitchy part we all dun like. Oh ya, and the fact, he "stole" a song.
ReplyDeleteHe didn't steal the song lah. They're friends. They probably wrote it together! the heck la u people.
ReplyDeleteDarling Ryan,
ReplyDeleteWe, the united Sistas of Love support you!
Muaaaaayyyyyy! Kiss! Kiss!
Bring honor to us, Gays and Sista!
Let your true inner sisterhood shine thru'!
Let there be a GAY Singapore Idol!
It's about TIME!!
ReplyDeleteRead Ryan's prior statement. He himself admitted to it. They never wrote the song together. That's your assumption!!
3. About Mary's song, I was wrong to assume stuff. And now friendships are at stake. I was thinking I'd do her proud. Apparently I was wrong. So I guess it's just the way things are.
I also support Ryan. But only if he's gay! Lol!
ReplyDeleteSharlene u b4 u write. mary wrote this song with her other frnd. ryan took credit 4 it because it is a great song,u can c it on YT.what a cheat.
ReplyDeleteI've known Ryan for more then 3 years. He is loud but dosn't make sense, he is selfcenterd, he feeds on other peoples lives. He's a celebrity in his head, but he has no real friends. Juz people that PRETEND to be his friend. Everyone is fed up with him. This guy is just an idiot for thinking he would get away with what he did.
ReplyDeletefed up with this LOSERRRRRRRRRRRR. hu cares about him now
ReplyDeleteits ok 2 b gay or watever, but tis guy goes ard showing ppl his bf picture; him n his bf kissing n watever, so disgusting rightt?
ReplyDeleten oh, he doesnt date asians, thats what he tells every1, so high class lorh pls...
heh I personally think Ryan has been the draw for #SgIdol this season.
ReplyDeleteThanks for making all the headlines.
Hopefully you will not be over the moon, just SEEtheCREST of it?
(geddit Ryan Seacrest? )
Zzzz :)
anyways, good on you for trying this out! Wont wish you good luck cuz im supporting another friend; but im definitely looking forward to your performances. :)
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDelete**....with AN over-bearing
ReplyDelete**pleading with the principal,with his horrible gce-O lvl results, with , WHAT? many C6s and couple failed subjects?
Sharlene: You're talking with your bird brain or what? Look at what Ryan wrote and what Mary responded.
ReplyDeleteRyan admitted he used her song and still tried to defend on it. Mary is so pissed with his self centerness and has spoke out.
People: Stop dragging the sexuality issue into this. Bitchiness is not necessarily associated with being gay. The issue here is clear, he has a big time attitude problem, he thinks the world owes him a living, and what he did is justfiable and right.
ReplyDeleteif he's really gay, he'll a huge shame to people like us...
who u think u are...?
pls lah...adam lambert the INTERNATIONAL figure, has got more humility than a KUCING KURAP like u.
stop the bitchy thang. just sing can...?
for those who really support him, u guys are juz bored people who in need of a release from TV shows...poor ryan...
yea...u're that useful only, MR (or Miss) Ryan...
Hi ryan=D I'm your foe! Just so you know, I've got an archives full of your sordid SECRETS! Pictures,close foes written statement, videos, and ohimiigod. scandals of your past relationships-does the last name-martin sounds familiar to you? Good luck=D time for pay back. Have people ever tell you that karma can be a bitch? You can be a bitch, but I'll be a bigger bitch than you.
ReplyDeletethis is really enetertaining to read as it proves to show that singaporians seem to only show what they hate, yes mary he was stupid to use ur song, but hes an artist in other words he acts on impulse and dosnt know what he is doing until the aftermath. but he ment well. he used your song maybe to get you noticed on a national and now international level. so now i in melbourne have herd your song and more is to come. i havent watched singapore idol, and i know for a fact that yes ryan is bitchy, and me being a fag, hey it dosnt mean were bitchy, were just honest. the truth hurts but in the long run you will learn to thank him. mary i hope you can learn to forgive him, he is still young and impulsive. we all do things we regret. and im sure he regrets doing it. so when all you fellow citizens of singapore can learn to do things normaly and maturely then come back and comment. cuz the comment right above me is fairly shamefull thats his past and hey we all do things bad. i bet you also have things we can all find out. and it seems your more jelouse of him cuz uve saved all the photos and videos, and gone to the point of getting written statements. me reading your post seems like ur a stalker.
ReplyDeleteand response to "he has no real friends" he does, i sure am, and unless you can go through hardships of life ur never gonna have a real friend. so go to your bed, think about what you've said and then come back generalizing his friends is uncalled for and i take offence to that. so the blackmail is stupid and your personal views on his relations with his friends keep them to your self or go talk to him in person.
Frederick-------you are an idiot. You dont have any idea what your talking about.
ReplyDeletewhat a screw up.
ReplyDelete"Young and impulsive". Mary is younger then him. she knows the difference between right/wrong. all ryan cares about his the fame in his head.
ReplyDeletei don't believe "Mary" who commented on this page is the real Mary.
ReplyDeletei don't think she's stupid enough to do this to herself.
let them settle it amongst themselves lah. wahlau.
and stop calling me an idiot. how rude!
btw pardon my language.
ReplyDeleteand theres no need to diss ryan about sexuality and stuff like that.. no need for gay bashing and wtv his history has against him. let idol be another issue he can deal with on his own and "singing" i guess. whatever.
good luck rest of you idols
ReplyDeleteTo Err Is Human, To Forgive Is Divine.
Leave him alone? He wanted attention so badly, didn't he? He's having it all now. Too much heat to take now huh ?
ReplyDeleteSeriously if ya'all are his friends, its time to wake him up from his craps and stop defending him as though it was ok for him to claim credits for the song. Stop giving excuses. He never had the intentions to come clean about it until he was exposed. So, face the wratch now!
ReplyDeleteno surprise. comments made by fellow idol already said it all. he's a fake. try proof he's not. anyhow, i dont like him.. : )
ReplyDeleteFrom : Your curly friend who you nvr really liked.
and, zhizheng wants me to tell you. He's your number 1 fan (: btw. i thought you are schooless?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLike ryan said. Use your name. Those in hcis or know him for idk how long. Just tell him your name. Be like me.
ReplyDeleteheehaw, u are zhizheng. i know. hahaha
ReplyDeletehe steals everything. he thinks hes rich but hes a broke b***h.
ReplyDeleteIt's almost wrong how much I love Ryan.
ReplyDelete(And I'm Ben's best friend! hahahah!)
Why isit that my name is there zzzz. Wtf dun anyhow lah lol. Bt here btw...
ReplyDeleteAll you homophobes should just pack your bags and go back in time. This is a singing competition. If he can sing let him be. What has this got to do with his sexuality?
ReplyDeletei don't buy his attitude but i guess he's entitled to his opinion.. but if he's smart, he should know that this is also a popularity contest... end of the day SG idol's suppose to inspire and lead by example...but not with how he's been acting on tv so far if you ask me...
and that's my opinion.
gals vote more than guys. no vote fr the gals you're out. goodlooking guys stand a better chance of winning. goodlooking gay... no way, no chance.
ReplyDeletewatch 1130.. top 5 materials with good singing voice
Ehhh whoalao ehh. Why you deleted those comments about the true ryan?? Nevermind. Its gonna sprout throughout the internet forum, blogs, websites, 8days, magazine, tabaloids, and international blogs where freedom of speech is accepted!
ReplyDeleteWhat a sucky person he is.
ReplyDeleteare you stupid? obviously Ryan isn't gonna WASTE his time replying to stupid shit like this.
ReplyDeletedo everyone a favour. go and get a life!
and if you hate ryan soooo much, then STOP coming to this blog! idiots.
no one is forcing you to like him. so just leave him alone.
most of the people on here dont "HATE" ryan----. they just think less of him now that they know more about his real side----. the people defending him feel bad for him-----........this guy doesnt deserve sympathy,sadly---
ReplyDeleteWhy is his occupation listed as "student"?
ReplyDeleteI heard he's out of school and no other school wants to accept him in.
right im not in singapore or anywhere near.. but ive been reading this and following Singapore Idol from youtube.. It's clear that everyone is acting crazy! Just calm down, so what if ryan is a bit over the top, he is the only reason why the show is getting any views..
ReplyDeleteThe Fact of the matter is that all you haters are wasting your time giving him your opinions. Clearly the kid can sing and can't you give him respect for that?
Furthermore you lot are giving him hell for bad grades in school or summin? Its clear you lot are envious of him and the cheek of some of you shows how ignorant you are
Peace x
oh yeah, it is obvious RYAN'S LV is fake, even the girls sitting beside him says so.
ReplyDeleteapparently it is the real mary (the original composer) of the song [search: 'olives in a jar mary ma' in youtube] who is the one who posted earlier..
ReplyDeleteFrankie: Dont talk like a big pus*y mouth ok? Its either you are blind foolish or pure dumb. So what if he can sing? He's not the only one who can sing, there are better ones in the Idol contest who can sing way better than him. He stole the song form Mary and what the heck are you talking about being envious of him? Envy of a poser and fake loser?
ReplyDeleteGK: Dont be another dumb **** here. You're not Witwisit Hiranyawongkul Pchy. You like the total same b-attitude? Another **** loser
OMG... To whoever that idiot thought I was witwisit, you are such a loser, like seriously... I just told my friends and they had a good laugh. Looking at your pathetic english and grammar and obviously lack of substance, I can say that you're stupid.
ReplyDeleteYou don't even make sense, loser... Get a life... Ryan's totally funny and cool in a bitchy way... At least he adds life to the show.
Since you're stupid I might as well teach you some basic rules of life. Mediacorp wants to make money, so they have to attract viewership and by doing that they have to dramatise every little minute thing. Don't tell me other contestants never blew their cool at others? Like hello... A, stupid ppl, you understand what I'm talking about or not... Apparently not, that's y you're still acting like that...
Gosh I really do hate stupid ppl. What a waste of resources in an already small country like singapore...
I deleted my post becuz at first I assumed that you guys are all normal people with normal IQ. So I thought that you guys had a reasonable explanation for hating Ryan... But as I read on and the other posts, I realised that no... you guys are complete idiots. Can't even write properly, don't even have substance, and I can safely say that you are just plan stupid. Like seriously...
ReplyDeleteStop being so jealous just becuz Ryan is from HCIS, I know many of you guys can't even make it there. Me too, but I'm not jealous am I? Not making a nuisance of myself like you losers... Can't even talk properly also want to make yourself known... Gosh... Pathetic Idiots...
Stop harping about the votes... If you guys are so stupid in your flawed writing and pathetic sense of logic and basic english, I doubt you have the money to vote. So stop talking as if you are going to vote for the others because I think you are trying to save as much money as you can to finance your own pathetic future as you're not going anyway after you graduate from whatever chikuchirung school you're from...
ReplyDeleteObviously the educated people know whether or not to hate Ryan or not. Even if they do hate him, they at least have their own explanation for it which makes sense and not just " o, he's so bitchy, I hate him because throughout my life, I've not been exposed to the world and so everyone must act the way I do."
So yea, pathetic losers...
GK: Dumb ****, read the post properly. Who assumed u're Witwist?! I said u're NOT Witwist, fool!
ReplyDeleteJealous!? Omfg, he's a friggin loser drop out, a song stealer, what else needs to be proven?
Hey, although I don't really get what's going on here but I just don't understand why some haters are cruticising someone who is just trying to live out his dream like anyone else on idol. Yes, I agree that he can make people irritated at some times but is there a need to talk about him this way? So to say it simpler, those who want to post negative comments or things bout Ryan should jolly well get lost and hide inside their homes or whatever. And of course feedback, be it negative or positive will definetly be welcomed here.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever seen any idols in your life that needs to dramatise so much? Do you see them on American Idol? America Got Talent? Britain Got Talent?
ReplyDeleteI must say Ryan is one unique guy. Bruno.
Limedrops: I suggest you start with reading the part that he admitted to using his friend's song without her approval for the song writing challenge. All the way from the first comment...
oh yeah, and he is called tiffany between his girl-friends
ReplyDeletenice one foo. and gary. i hail both of you. HAHAHA. serve you right for being an EX hcis student :)
ReplyDeleteDid you mention he stole their ATM cards too?
ReplyDelete[Stop being so jealous just becuz Ryan is from HCIS, I know many of you guys can't even make it there.]
ReplyDeletePlease, i have been and still being a student of HCIS for at least 4 years or since the beginning of the school. Thus, i have seen students and staff alike, come and go, including our dearest RYAN. I am Pre-U 2 this year and im going to take my A levels this year end. RYAN repeated sec 4 cause he wanted to, you can see his attitude now can we? Yes, only a stuck up B*tch like him will do such things.
Oh did anyone mentioned our poor ryan LOVES to crash parties without invitation? even after the host says he is not welcomed, he doesnt care. Thats how thick skinned he is. LOL. what a laugh. Bet he's gonna crash the idol screenings, practices, roadshows, whatever when he gets out of the competition. Or he might just point the finger at the whole of Singapore when he gets out. He should get the, "Lowest amount of votes in the whole Idol history" including american idol, etc. I will applaud to that, only.
ReplyDeleteseems like its about all the hate. eEeryone can see that.. if you hate him so much dont vote for him. i think people can live with that. and discrimination just coz he's gay. Its almost a direct disgrace to gay people. bleh. Its because of his selfish peronality, you get that. But wont posting all this hate bring you a tiny bit closer to ryans level? lets not be hypocrites. This is basically bitching..but wtv human nature, To dish and dirt right. not a huge deal i guess. yea ok so he's done shit. and now ppl know. Karma sucks.
ReplyDeleteAnd the whole song thing. btw this is really me for all you non-believers. I write it here so you guys can all just understand whats going on. I hate the fact he took my song, ofcourse.
Thats why Ryan, sorry I really cant always be there for you and in turn get treated like a dog. I dont even want an apology anymore. becuase the first thing you said to me when you were exposed was for me to tell mediacorp that i gave you permission. (now isnt that crossing the line.. just a abit?). then you tell me about all the hate mail and stares. again, its about you. Then you tell me you wanna say on tv that you took my song and apologize. THAT is just clearing the air so all your "viewers" know your "sorry" and admitted it where infact you just got caught.
BTw that was the only thing i asked of you not to do. To blow it out of scale, its between us and your mistake and the producers to deal with. Yet you still did it anyway. who are you apologizing to Ryan? the public for making a fool of yourself, or me for disrespecting me. I tell you again, its about respect not publicity. Then finally about 6 tries later you are somehow able to scrap together a less than decent apology, just beacuse you failed so bad. Friendship does not lie on a trial and error basis.
That being said, you and your apology can go crawl in a hole.
Some people take this chance you have very seriously. Their music is based on their personality and passion. So go sing your passionless heart out, and let how far you go be based on you as a musician and not as a person, because i know they are not slightly related to one another.
Ryan is cute! Who cares about these losers... Even if Ryan is really like what u all described, you should be ashamed of yourself for spreading these around... Not everyone is perfect including yourselves, how would you like it if everyone spreads stuff about you, even if they were true?
ReplyDeleteGive him a break and see how he really acts in the show ok? Stop blaming him for being mad at his group member and then confronting the girl who said he should leave... Those are only like what... 0.00001% of the time he spends there but it's the only thing portrayed on tv... Come on... surely you know better than the fact that the media wants to hype out this whole thing and make ppl hate him... zzz
huh... big deal... who cares about your stupid song... like seriously, if your song is sooooo good y isn't it out already? cow go moo? LOL!
ReplyDeletewhat an ignorant sh*t. even if the song sucked its still mine. its not about how good or crappy the song is. this is about him not being truthful thats all. what, is it wrong for me to write songs that dont satisfy the entire poplulation of this stupid little island. and yes cows moo. why dont you go educate yourself at a farm.
ReplyDeleteTotally agreed with what ben said. Ryan's character may make certain groups if people dislike him but he is indeed good vocal wise. And, just to clarify I am not making this comment anyhow as I saw him during the various audition rounds and he wouldn't had made it to the top 24 if he do not gave what it takes. Ryan: all the best for your performance this Wednesday ya? ^^ PS: people who say nasty things behind other's back= people who are just so free till they really have nothing to do.
ReplyDeleteThis is totally reluctant.. not even 1 week and being spam till lyk tht...
ReplyDeleteheard that the song is ry stole it? how sure are u that he is the one and not slytra? and tht so called 'Mary', how sure that is the real thing?
mayb just some fake person that fake mary to come and critisize ry... plus la ffs... don so bo liao leh.. make such bad comment when u all bo guts.. go complain to mediacorp la... since u all so free... or still wan hid behind comp and critisize more when u bo guts?
anw for dose that dislike him srsly go complain... don come and spam tis blog until lykt tht... and even hes a 'Gay', how sure are u hes one? he 'gay' wif u b4 ah? no rite.. so don say until lyk tht la... thou hes kinda childish sometime or so called 'Btch'.. he just trying to seek attention and not some bad comment that could hurt some1... ry: Dun care tis ppl and do well for ur performance tomorrow.. okay? and proof to them wrong... getin the top 12 or top 10!
PS: For dose sick ppl who have nth to do... go find ur guts and complain la.... hid behind comp oso cannot do anything... No life la... tsktsk!
and if yall guys really hate him that much, why do you even wanna come to tis blog? waste time oni wad? get some life la.. do some shyt instead of hiding behind some shyt ass comp...
ReplyDeletechill ray. if you dun believe then go ask her yourself if your so curious. and not syltra because ryan is the songwriter friend. didnt you read before, he admitted it.
ReplyDeleteand its kindoff obvious hes a gay.
Wow. is it really that big of a deal? lets all relax. its lovers vs haters right now. go take it out on the field or something.
this mary person is so contradictory. first she like tries to calm people down then later stir the pot and say things about ryan.
ReplyDeleteif the song means so much to ya why dun you go and lay claim to it...go tell mediacorp its your and write a proper complaint against ryan.
in fact all u haters out there, u want to hang him so bad why dun u all write in and formally complain instead of raving and ranting here like small kids.
this is just a blog. and its not even official mediacorp website. The idol producer probably doesnt even read this comments.
so if u all not brave enuff to call mediacorp, then stop bombarding ryan. really the world doesnt need so many haters.
Hi there, Syltra herself is a singer- song writer, there is no need for her to take on other people song.
ReplyDeleteGo check out( for many of Syltra original songs.
its not contradictory if she just talks about ryans unfaithfulness, shiz tellin people not to hate and b discriminating, its diffrent. ders reason to be pissed about stolen song. but being a b$tch is sometin else. maybe das why shiz not going to mediacorp. is more personal.
ReplyDeleteyou know what, this is bullsh*t, forget it i won't say anything on this blog anymore. BTW, I HAVE THE PHONE NUMBER OF A MANAGER WITH SOME HIGH STATUS IN MEDIACORP, SO I MIGHT CALL THEM.
ReplyDeleteyes yes sure Gary... and the world is flat...
ReplyDeleteAnyway who cares if he's gay or not? Like seriously who freaking cares? Stop being so jealous that he has so many BFs or whatever lor... If u are still a smelly virgin whose thingy hasn't been used for like 30 years then go get a life... Stop being so jealous of Ryan... gosh...
summer fuck u r u fucking dumb or what sia, first you kar chiao ryan now u act nice in front of him, lan jiao fake fuck. behind your fancy blog is a fake corn fuck
ReplyDeleteAn obvious impersonation of alexander, this isn't his wrting lingo. Try harder. Secondly, your attack on gary is flacid weak, there's no point you're bringing across other than some weak personal attack. Its high time you jump start that peanut inactive brain.
ReplyDeleteBenjamin: Mediacorp wants to hype up all these for viewership? Oh please, if he never started all these bullshits, was there anything to hype about?
ReplyDelete1. Why can't he just ****ing sing his song, and quit making so much phony crap out of it?
I can't quit laughing at these so called supporters of Ryan.
Ryan stole a song, try to psycho Mary to claim credits for himself and I presume he will probably make a public apology on TV over this hoo-ha. So you so called brainless supporters say forgive and forget? Don't ya think its too much to ask for? That friggin spot he is occupying now suppose to belong to someone else for their originality?
Then, you guys went on ranting that this Mary is fake? Like Hello? If this whole hoo-ha was fake, Why did Ryan Scott Santoso Lee bother to reply on this blog?
So get real, please.
Most of the hate comments this dude is getting here are mostly posted by his ex classmates/ people he used to despise. We know his true colours better than all of you. You people are just judging the book by its cover. Do you really think his claims are real? PLEASE. Everyone can make up a story. Its just his LUCK people he b*itched bout before, before he despised before, whatever it is, is attacking him now. Its karma.
ReplyDeleteDo you think we haters have nothing better to do? We have been waiting for this chance. To let him know that he is not that perfect as he think he was. We'll just see how far he gets. Even his parents say he should change his attitude. But he doesnt care. HAHA. His parents even said that okay. See, there's definitely a problem with his attitude.
ReplyDeletehwa chong can suck my balls, lan chiau, what not my writing lingo please la i know im a star in english but then again when cocksuckers like you guys diss anonymously you guys can snort my ass wasabi
ReplyDeleteAlexander is a closet homo fag
ReplyDeleteryan stole my friends phone and ipod the day before he left singapore. hes a little b*tch.
ReplyDeletefuck all u haters! alex camden rulz!
ReplyDeletealex brought the sexy back into hardcore dancing
ReplyDeletethis blog shld be about alex camden and his sexiness. fuck sg idol. bring on hardcore dancing!
ReplyDeletebring on hardcore dancing and monsters in living flesh
ReplyDeletealex can kill 2 stones with 1 bird. he rulz d00d!
ReplyDeletegay rulz! but alex rulz m0re
ReplyDeleteLOL. confirm yeekiat got a part in this.
ReplyDelete3 Koreans got caught for smuggling heroin into Singapore. PWNED!
ReplyDeletedefinitely yeekiat
ReplyDeletehuh? why the hell am i maligned? if you have the balls to write my name, have the balls to write yours as well.
ReplyDeleteRyan's my ex boyfriend. And he gave me nice blowjobs before. Vote for him and he might give you one too.
ReplyDeleteyou all are just full of shit!! GO GET A LIFE!!!!
ReplyDeleteEveryone! Listen! Go outside and get a life unrelated to television!
ReplyDeleteYou're all wasting your time. I don't like the way Ryan represented himself either. But whatevs with that, at the end of the day, don't be surprised if he gets through today. It's the media people. They'd do anything to get their ratings up.
to hell with the media!!
ReplyDeleteplaying our minds.. AH WOOH!!
true..ryan looks like a gay boi..
Stop sterotyping Ryan ,when U all know nothing about him,
ReplyDeleteIf U all are so good, then why u all not in the contest. IF ryan lee can get in, it shows that he's got talent, and can sing as well as everyone, what's more, alot of other people admire him for his character and also dare devil spirit .... unlike some people who like to act, and think being gay or not has nothing to do with this competition, wake up and give others a break.think those who think bad about other, should actually look at the mirror, actually see how perfect You all are... Ryan go for it, U can make it big... go confidently towards your goal, dun let these childish people stop u in doing your best, looking forward in your best first performance today..Cheers!
ReplyDeleteHI VERA S! =p
ReplyDeletespare him the agony lah. he's probably not going to get past today.. just in case he's sad because he's out and he goes back home reading this page and finds so many hate notes, he's gonna sink into depression ): so, lets all accumulate good karma alrights? (:
ReplyDeleteWTFOOK vera! good one! GO STUDY! SHOO! im heading to my study now.
ReplyDeletehahahah bleah i hate A levels. anw, sian. i missed ryan's performance. how did he do?
ReplyDeletehis low voice is strong, not bad. but as what Dick said, he was out of tune for couple notes. but overall i thought his voice is good, prob wrong song. ken didnt comment much on ryan's voice cos probably dick has already mentioned the point. buuttttttttt..its a popularity contest. so!!! lets go study now and come back for the result show at 10.20=)
ReplyDeleteperiod . reply through text la nerd! not here.=p
He can just flush it down, time to wake up and face reality!
ReplyDeleteGo Syltra! Go Jannah! Go Tabitha!
difficult song choice, hope he gets through 'cos he's got a good voice.
ReplyDeletemaybe his personality is not like the boy-next-door but he certainly gets my vote 'cos he's different.
results in approximately 15 mins:)
Sayanora ~
ReplyDeleteAu Reviour Ryan:)
ReplyDeleteOH YEAH! i love it, you lovin' it! we lovin' it! HELL YEA! good bye ryan lee scott santoso wen kye. hallejuah!
ReplyDeleteI think ryan is seriously the best! super sad he didn't got into top12. he should had!!! please try next year ryan.
ReplyDeleteyou're so cute btw omg ^^
안녕히 가십시오 RYAN
ReplyDeleteمع السلامة Ryan
ReplyDeleteДо свидания Ryan
ReplyDeleteสวัสดีค่ะ Ryan
ReplyDelete"you're so cute btw omg ^^"
ReplyDeleteexcuse me anon, are you blind?
Αντιο Ryan
ReplyDeleteSince you're out of S.I. Why dont you go back to school? Apply MDIS? BMC Academy? Whatever. LOL. You have no future in singing anyway. Make your dreams realistic.
ReplyDeletethat is the worst rendition of moondance! nathan hartono sang it so much better live during Sun Yanzi's concert recently! You sung off key most of the time.
ReplyDeleteLove u ryan, you're sooo cute and funny!! All the best!!!
ReplyDeletedevastated? like how devastated? How phony can ya'all get? I barely see any supporters in the theatre.
ReplyDeleteGo ryan!
ReplyDeleteDont care about what the haters say, you have my support! ^^
MONKEY BOY IS OFFICIALLY O-U-T OUT!! He probably make a better drag queen than a idol!
ReplyDeleteTo anonymous:
ReplyDeleteIf you really think you are oh-so-great then why don't you try to audition for a singing contest like singapore idol and stop bitching and criticizing about ryan here.
PS: Seriously, i don't even think you will even make it through the first round and in which i will be the one who is laughing at YOU when that happens someday? And that's when you will know the true feeling about being said by other people.
LOL. there are so many anoymous here. and by the way. we are all just trying to let ryan know how it feels like to be bitched bout. cause he is one big bitch himself.
ReplyDeleteNo he isn't. More like you all haters with no lives are the bitches who say stuff behind other people's back. And to say the truth, he can be nice at times too. It just depends in how you all look at him. LOL.
ReplyDeleteTa-TA RYAN. knew you wouldnt make it. did you hear the "Boooooooooooooooo" when you got eliminated? NOpe,didnt hear a thing!!!! Guess the only fans you got are in your big ass ears.
ReplyDeleteHAH! his only fans were 3 pathetic superficial friends. fat girl with the ang moh bf, and ryan's ex-bf leandre martin. did you see any banners? did you see any of his supporters. poor camera man had to search for the seats his fan(s) was allocatd to.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't go to support Ryan in person cause I was busy making posters for Benjamin... ugh. But I sure voted a lot for him! ( Guess it wasn't enough though, urk)
ReplyDeleteHopefully I'll get to see Ryan next Wednesday when I'm there in person lol!
wow...look at his phony supporters, some dont even know he has been eliminated from the competition. So called "fans" yay!
ReplyDeleteChristine said...
ReplyDeleteI couldn't go to support Ryan in person cause I was busy making posters...Hopefully I'll get to see Ryan next Wednesday when I'm there in person lol!
Honey, if you are truly his fan, i think your personal presence would have been better. Fan? supporter? Oh ya, btw, you wont have a chance to see him, if you have read the news, or tune in enough as a "fan/supporter", he has been eliminated.
The awesome banana said...
ReplyDeleteGo ryan!
Dont care about what the haters say, you have my support! ^^
Go Monkey Go!, Go Monkey Go!, Go grab your banana, monkey cauze your monkey has been kicked out of the competition. Go monkey go~!
people here hate ryan because he has bitched about them before. so now everyone unleashes their out of proportion wrath on him. okay fine damage more than done now get over yourselves already! you have suuccessfully let people know about him being gay, or performing poorly academically and anyway he's got enough singaporeans hating him for lame reasons already. what more do you people want?!
ReplyDeletedid he hurt you all so much that you all have to try so hard to hurt him back?! then why are you all being unnecessarily mean to people who try to defend him...
i think this is too much. honestly.... boy is only 18, he may be bitchy, he may have said some nasty things about people before, but none of is really malicious. but what all of you is doing here seems to be verging on verbal abuse.
tit for tat is immature but you guys are doing a lot worse than that. he hasn't really hurt any of you THAT much has he.... so please... just stop being so unreasonable and immature
To anon, I'm very sure you're related to him! Fair enough, your points did bring across for us to consider and reflect. But just so you know, ryan lee has done much more malicious and unforgivable actions than any of you can imagine. Eg. Abusing maid, causing best friends to hate one another by using politics and his bitchness. His siblings to wits end. Theft. Physical abuse to the weaker ones in school(that's the ultimatum reason he got expelled from hcis for whipping a student with a whip 6mnths ago),making some1 lose their rice bowl, cheating and incidents mountaining so severe involving the police numerous times
ReplyDeletethere's so much more I can barrage out but I shall reserve them.
You should send ryan lee to boot camp in the US to learn hardship and tone down tremendously his awful behaviour. Lastly, he needs counselling from specialist, I'm not joking with you. Good luck to him and good luck to you on handling him.
Ryan. U are cute. UR singing is not bad too. Dont give on singing. Achieve your dreams. Ignore the negative comments.
ReplyDeleteRyan, be humble. No matter how good you are, you will not get anything because of your arrogance.
ReplyDeleteI met Ryan in person yesterday at the idol event in Lot1. HE'S REALLY NICE ACTUALLY! And cute too, a lot cuter in person.
ReplyDeleteu r really bitch. not like a man at all. Lucky u r OUT! BAD attitude and character!
ReplyDeleteRyan plays with his banana all day long cos he's a monkey..
ReplyDeleteLooooooser.Looooooooser,already lost Mary as a friend. hehe
ReplyDeleteGood thing he's gone!!!! another arrogant bastard!! POW!!! Problem childhood??? Maybe kena sex abused!! POW!!! Thanks God he's gone!!
ReplyDeleteThis guy is a fucking dickhead. He steals someone elses song, doesn't even bother to apologize properly. He's just so full of himself its pathetic. I'm glad he got kicked out he doesn't deserve to still be in the competition especially after he screws over one of his "friends". So ryan, go suck a pussy since you'd enjoy sucking too much cock.
ReplyDeleteI love his attitude! bitchy is the way. & I love that "talk to the hand" pose! Hm.. without him, Singapore idol would probably be boooring! sad that he is voted out. Still love him though. bitchy and cute. xo!
ReplyDeletewhat a lil DIPSHIT!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteKimbella, if a guy does the "talk to the hand" gesture. He is definately a BAPOK! You know a BAPOK is a BANCHI! and a BACHI is a FAGGOT! and a FAGGOT is an AKUA! Ha!! Ha!! He is still a piece of smelly shit!! No matter what!!
ReplyDeleteEwww!!! ryan's attitude puts people off n even IF he sings well (his singing sux!!!), people won't vote 4 him cos of his bitchiness!!! but im glad he is out of de competition... he rly isn't fit 2 b 1! wun help with all ur mean comments...yes i do agree tat he may have alot of negative issues but we all should learn to give others a chance...Let him learn from his mistakes and change into a better person...
ReplyDeleteRyan, i really hope u can change into a better person. There's nth wrong with being honest...but there's a difference between honest and just plain rude..Just think abt it..
it seems ryan is suprised that not the whole world thinks as highly of him as he would like it to be ha ha ha
ReplyDeleteu r all stupid and i dont listen to anything u say tnx for all the support from non hatters
ReplyDeletebοokmarkеԁ!!, I гeally likе
ReplyDeleteyοur ѕite!
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