LOL Moments (Laugh-Out-Loud) :
Both The Husband and I cracked up at Gurmit's skit at the start of the show - he imitated the judge's habits quite well! Especially Ken's habit of rubbing his arms under his sleeves when talking, eyes peering above the glasses at the tip of his nose!
*Eh dun pray pray k....a LOT of people think Ken is sexy - some of the Top24 have told me so themselves too! I personally think its Ken's intelligence that makes him attractive. However, I still do not believe people have asked him what brand of underwear he wears - sure not Uncle Ken?)
Then there was that guy who said in broken Inggrissh : "Yes I'm a bit nervous, cos I haven take my breakfast yet." Kesiannya! (Poor thing hor!)
Deluded Avril Lavigne.
Or if you listen closely to her praise her idol, it could be Afreel Lerveeen or A-view Laveeen. Oh this girl made me laugh so much. Dick said it, "Do you live in the real world?" (Half of me thought she was gonna reply, "ya I do, cos I'm not a ghost you know!")
SUPER LOL MOMENT : When Afreel dovetailed the end of her singing with a question...Ho-oh, Ho-oh, Howsit?(sumore the face so deadpan - alamak almost keeled over laughing!)

Rachel 'I'm Not Ah Lian'.
Nothing wrong with being Lian right Flo? :) Clever move buttering up Flo (After Dick called Flo a 'Lian', Rachel defends. "She's not Ah Lian, she looks so sophisticated.")
After getting a Golden Ticket, I'm-Not-Ah-Lian says, "Real wan lehhhh!"<-- not Lian meh? Lian just admit Lian lah!
Anyway, I actually thought she was pretty cute and could sing. She shall from now on be known here as Ribbon Lian.
Careless Whisper put on weight and lost some hair and wasn't so whisper-y anymore. And like my source said, he really sang about the Recession. Not as funny as I thought it would be...letdown! (am waiting for ppl to post vids on youtube of these memorable clips so I can put them in the blog!)
Guy in red who sang Ning Baizura's 'In Another Place'. OMG. LMAO. Hello. CMI*.
Masked Selamat (featuring some guy in a surgical mask! LOL) <-- Goode One producers! Cheesy but unexpected, so props to you for sneakin' that one in!
Sky Ghostbuster Shaw
OMG. He was like in 'concert' mode! He has his shoes off (channeling Joss Stone?) and was waving his arms, asking the imaginary audience to 'Go Louder!'. What the..?
Then he gets to sing another song....Heavens Snow (what? thats NOT the title? But he was singing...Heavens Snow...Heavens Snow...)
No points for guessing the actual song title. Rick Price's 'Heaven Knows'.
Louis with the Irritating Voice.
LOL when he was describing how he thought he'd win judges over with his 'rocker' voice, only to be told by them that the 'rocker' voice was irritating. Then, decided to give judges a taste of his 'irritating' voice, only to find out that the Judges like it better! And I quote Louis :"Whats WRONG with these people?!" (Note to Louis : They din take their breakfast lor.)

Rohit The Hair.
This guy had hair like a Golliwog. Judges thought Slash. I thought.....Alleycats (70s group from Malaysia who thought they were black, but they were just Indian).
I didnt think his audition was that good but he got through anyway...we'll see how long The Hair lasts....

#1 : Radio guy who comes away with a Season Pass to the show? Who is he and what was that all about? Why does he get a pass?
#2 : Hady scouting for talent? huh? Why la? Didn't the talent queue up outside Cathay?
(random Hady pic, cos he's just so cute!)
Ken Lim as 7-Eleven Ambassador?!
During the commercial breaks, we got to see Ken Lim appear in his first-ever tv commercial (well I think its his first la, I haven't seen him in any before this).
It was for 7-Eleven, he lets a guy through auditions because he shops at 7-eleven. Cheesy much? Yes. It was.
But I'm glad to see Ken is able to not take himself too seriously and agree to doing stuff like this.
(Must go dig up more info on this (just found out an old friend was the Director of the commercials!) - I thought Taufik was the 7-Eleven Ambassador.... tsk, Uncle Ken stealing the limelight from your own protege?)
OVERALL, the show felt a little short, rushed, even, just ONE hour was not enough - I think everyone would have loved a full 2-hour premiere. (Just move News to 10.30pm la! No one cares about it right?)
Well, all in all, I had a good time with Ep 1 of Idol. I'm hoping to see more of the YAYs than the NAYs in Ep2 though. And perhaps more of the judges' witty remarks.
Singapore Idol Episode 2 airs Wednesday , 12 August, 8pm, on Channel 5!
Ok, end of review, time for bed *yawn* already 4.45am!
xoxo, s.
I think it is Daryl Lai not Daryl Lim
ReplyDeleteThanks for the correction, will go correct it shortly.
ReplyDeleteHey do you record the show? If you do, could I ask you to give me Ep 2? :o I missed it!
ReplyDeletehiya please post the full episode video of episode 1 and 2. pls pls pls
ReplyDeleteKelly Mae Vernie has a very good voice. She is also cute. I as a Singaporean would like to see her go far. She has stayed in Australia I don't know for how long, but she is still a Singaporean. I will give her a chance because she has a very good voice. I will vote for her.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous xxx
HI hi, sorry for the late replies, yes i DO record the episodes, but its all in the hubstation.
ReplyDeleteIf i do find full episodes on youtube, will definitely post it here.
But in the meantime, cannot tahan already, you can go to, they offer SI for free. Just need to register with them and make sure your browser can support it.
hope this helps! s.
Totally agree about Kelly Mae. Good voice. She seemed meek in the first ep, hope she comes out of her shell. Good luck to her for Theatre rounds :)
ReplyDeletei just watched detroit metal city.
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