Monday, August 17, 2009

Brothers Cheok tribute to Ben Chow

Check out what I found on youtube :) Idols supporting their fellow Idol! (awwwwww!)

The Brothers Cheok doin' a shout-out to Ben Chow in light of his hacker plight.

Very cute guys. I had fun watching this lil clip!

Ben, if you're out there, have you seen this? Its buddy support Idol-style!

Sound quality and picture clarity not the best, so don't hold it against the brothers k?

xoxo, s.


  1. The guy on the left is not too bad but the guy on the right isn't very good. :p

  2. yeah the guy on e right sucks man... right? but he's so cute! =) xoxo

  3. Hi caleb~ Y is e right side guy not good leh? can u elabarates a not? tell me lehz~... coz i thinking he nots bad leh!~

  4. I LIKE BEN CHOW ALOT!!! :D He has a cute personality;)

  5. trying to steal some limelight. tsk tsk.

  6. limelight all up for grabs eh. :)

  7. 2 very whiny guys singing....

  8. it was meant to be a joke mah... wake up la all u haters... F*CK

  9. i wonder why no one is challenging david. He may be able to play the guitar but is a terrible terrible singer. not to mention his lack of showmanship - instead of aiming to step up his performance, he hopes that his competitor fares badly. well done david, well done. please do yourself a favor - stop trying to suck up to everyone with your looks and charm which are quite honestly - just average.

    if the "char siew baos" had challenged you tonight instead of jon (WHO IS WAY ABOVE YOUR LEAGUE AND YOU KNOW IT), we finally could have some peace to our ears from your mediocre performances and your cheezy hogging-the-camera comments behind the scenes.
