Thursday, October 29, 2009
2 Idol Birthday Cakes & The Folks Love This
All dressed up like kiddies!

This is the ad for next week's theme 'My Folks Love This'. They all look so hilariously adorable. Check out my behind-the-scenes pics of the Idols when they were preparing for this shoot. Plus don't miss the trailer - probably running now on Channel 5. I haven't seen it myself!
Anyway, apart from that I have two vids to share. Yesterday was Mae's and Charles' birthdays (29th Oct)! So on Wednesday night, the Idol family celebrated by bringin' out yummilicious cakes and candles (cake was yummy, candles...not so much).
This first vid was taken before the show (around 7pm), upstairs in the B3 changing room. :) The cake is from the Promo Guys - Byron and Suresh - Super MOIST Chocolate Cake from Secret Recipe (all hail this fab Malaysian chain - the cheesecake is seriously to.die.for! woot! Suddenly feel so proud to be Malaysian LOL!) Do ignore the rubbish banter going on and just enjoy this sneak peek into the girls' changing room! *wink*
This next vid is shot in between the Performance and Results shows. Around 9pm. The cake is from the Production team. Also a lovely chocolate cake :) Yum! Check out Nurul's antics - aigh, we miss that girl - she was definitely the funny bone in the group!
Anyway, thats all for tonight...good night, am off to Zzzzz...
xoxo, s.
ps. Oh yes, one more for the road....super random vid recorded in the lift on the way up to B2 (Dick Lee wanted to see the Idols before the Results Show started), so just simply record la...watch and have a lil laugh at how seriously random your Idols are!
Posted by
10:58 PM
Song List for 'My Folks Love This'
Parents' Choice week is called 'My Folks Love This'
Well those are next week's songs that the Idol parents have chosen. Looks like an awesome lineup in my opinion so it should be a really good show!
This is just Cheese. Yes peeps, I'm serious, thats the title for next week's Spectacular. Can anyone say Kraft? Oh well, Kraft is full of wholesome goodness right? And so, 'wholesome' it shall be since the 'rents are in charge of song choice next week - no raunchy booty bottle pop moves then :P
Anyway, here's what the Top 7 will be singing next week, in no particular order. (Vid references and full titles with original singer to be updated tomorrow when I get the actual list from producers :))
Sezairi Sezali - Georgia On My Mind by Ray Charles
Awesome choice Airi! Can't wait! I think this song suits Airi to a tee...good choice Mom and Dad!
Duane Ho - Imagine by John Lennon
I bet Duane will be playing the piano for this one. If he is, good decision boy, stick to what you're comfortable with and what showcases your talent. Duane's comfortable behind the piano and it always helps his performance - sure win combo.
UPDATE (10.39pm, Thurs 29th) : Duane WILL be playin' the piano woot!
Sylvia Ratonel - Warwick Avenue by Duffy
I'm thrilled Sylvia will be singing another Duffy song, cos her voice seems to suit Duffy songs. I just hope Sylvia can emote and be vulnerable because this song requires that. She needs to stop worrying about the technicalities of the music and just feel, understand and deliver the song not like she knows it well, but like she really means it.
Watch the original music video here (embed was disabled) for a cleaner sound.
Tabitha Nauser - Summertime by Ella Fitzgerald (but I have a feelin' she'll be doin' either the Fantasia or Leona version....see below)
This kinda song should be right up Tabby's alley. I hope they style her softer, and less sex-siren-y next week, to go with the femininity of this song. But I don't mean prom dress either....
UPDATE (10.40pm, Thurs 29th Oct) : Summertime by George Gershwin (original composer), Ella Fitzgerald is just one of the first singers to sing the song.
Faizal Isa - The Reason by Hoobastank
My first thought was that Faizal musta asked his parents to choose this song for him. But I was later told his Dad is very young :) ...that works... anyway this song has always been a favourite of mine, so I'm not complaining.
Charles Wong - Fly Away by Corinne May
I'm not very familiar with this song but I understand it was a hit. After watching the vid, the song still didn't really speak to me, so I hope Charles' ability to connect with the audience when he does ballads 'intimately' (to quote Ken) will allow him to make this song his own and win him the votes.
Mae Sta Maria - 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow' by Judy Garland
This song is such a classic and if Mae can pull it off with quiet sincerity and power vocals, it'll be a winner. I liked Katharine McPhee's version, although I didn't think she needed to be splayed on the floor - maybe she thought it brought good luck to Fantasia before :).
UPDATE (10.44pm, Thurs 29th Oct) : Mae will be singing the Katharine McPhee version :) yay!
Well those are next week's songs that the Idol parents have chosen. Looks like an awesome lineup in my opinion so it should be a really good show!
Off to bed now .... shall endeavour to watch the show asap for the review...what did you all think of tonight's show - from where I was sitting, it was totally enjoyable.... but who knows how it turned out for those of you watching at home ...
xoxo, s.
Posted by
2:24 AM
Idol out : Malaque Mahdaly
*sob* :( byebye Malaque

"Last Dance" turned out to be her 'last song'.....

It gets harder and harder every week to say goodbye to the Idols I've grown to love, and Malaque is one of the ones I truly truly sayang. She's always been so thoughtful and genuine and ready with a smile every time we meet. Definitely someone who's great friend material.
Over the course of the competition, she has sometimes come across as cocky or arrogant on air (tv and radio). But she is definitely neither. In fact, she's humble to a fault. She's just candid. And somehow, for Malaque, it tends to come out a bit salah :) dunno why.
Those who know her will attest to the fact that she is indeed the sweetest thing. Just ask ShanShan *wink* <-- LOL secret LODI codeword.

Anyway, I thought that tonight, Malaque did really well, I think Mizz Summer woulda been proud - this summerr definitely was. I was whoopin' and clappin', I think the Fremantle people (the people who own the rights to the Idol format) next to me musta thought 'wah so groupie wan this blogger - act yer age not yer shoe size girlfriend!'
But I guess someone's gotta go, and from an outside observer, although her vocals weren't the weakest tonight, Malaque's voting track record has not been the best. She's been in the 'unsafe' group many-a-time.
At least her Idol journey ended on a high. She agrees with this by the way, "at least I know I went out when I did my best and not sucky performance you know?" <-- well said sweets!
Here're her exit interviews, one with Producer Gillian, and the other for Idol TV.
And here's her exit VT (video clip) and song in full (yes its annoying how it always gets cut off in credits). I apologise for the poor vid quality, I was sat quite far away, and had to zoom. Shall ensure that I am beside the stage again next week.
I'm so gonna miss Malaque. She is one of the most caring, sincere, genuine people I've ever known. Plus she's hilarious and the girl is gorgeous to boot! And in my honest opinion, I think the tone of her voice is so beautiful. I hope one day, she cuts a demo and gets it out there, because I so totally believe that in a studio, if she's well produced, she could go places with that sweet voice.

In the meantime, she's goin' back to culinary school. Hopefully she'll come back to TV Land (camera loves your face babe, can't deny that!) and becomes a celeb chef good enough to rival Nigella herself!
To Malaque, don't ever think you're not good enough my dear. You have it in you, just always believe in yourself. You have touched the hearts of many, including mine, and with that Ms Syarifah Malaque Aimana bte etc etc etc Al-etc (sorry girl, its so long I can't remember! no disrespect to your father or grandfather at all k!) I hope we'll always be friends :) Don't be a stranger!
Much Love,
xoxo, s.
ps. Don't forget to catch Malaque's radio interview tomorrow at 9am on 987FM, the Official Idol Radio station :)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Next Week's Theme : Parent's Choice!
The 'rents Decide!
Now you know why they're all dressed up like kids? (yes, they're supposed to look like kids in case you still hadn't figured it out tsk!)
Now you know why they're all dressed up like kids? (yes, they're supposed to look like kids in case you still hadn't figured it out tsk!)
I'm not sure how the trailer is gonna turn out - you'll be able to watch the tag-on trailer for next week's show in about 15 minutes when the Idol Results Show ends (am assuming they will be airing that version right after the show - don't crucify me if they don't k!).
I'm sure it'll turn out cute - just lookit these pics from the trailer shoot done over a month!
click on pics to enlarge
They were dressed up as kids and put in scenarios where they were seeking 'parental approval' - something like that, anyway...look out for the trailer!
click on pic to enlarge
Anyway, the name of the theme is self-explanatory. Each of the Top 7's parents will be pickin' a song for them to sing - ohh tough tough. Song list comin' up in the next post! Am still at the studio - this is a scheduled post :)
Do follow my real time tweets/twitpics from backstage at the studio as I talk to the ousted Idol when the show ends...I'm probably standing by the side of the stage with Justin right now - too tense to tweet...
xoxo, s.
Posted by
10:15 PM
parents' choice,
SI Top 7,
singapore idol 2009,
Spectacular 7
10pm : Time for a Sneak Peek!
Its 10pm. The lines are closed.
You've done all you can do to keep your Idol's dream alive. So lets reward you with a sneak peek of next week's theme....can you guess what it is?

The answer, comin' up at the 10.15pm post....
xoxo, s.
Posted by
10:00 PM
9pm : Show's Over - Keep Voting!
Its 9pm, and the show's over - how did you think the Top 8 faired? Do you agree/disagree with what the judges had to say?
In the meantime while you ponder all that, don't forget to keep those fingers moving and vote vote vote! Every vote counts and every vote makes a difference on whether your Idol stays or goes home tonight.
Check the post below for voting details.
Don't forget to tune in to the Results Show later at 10pm. Its my weekly anxiety-rollercoaster ride. But it'll be a great show too - the Idols will be performing 'I Just Can't Get Enough' (the cover version by The Saturdays) for tonight's group song ... as well as a look at the finished Burger King music video featuring the song 'Sweet Dreams' by the Eurythmics!
Oh yes, there's also a special guest star performing tonight - its so Top Secret, even the Idols don't know about it! Sssshhh!
Plus, if all thats not enough, follow my tweets/twitpics live from backstage at the studio right now.
xoxo, s.
ps. Come back here at 10pm for a sneak peek post on next week's theme. :) - the pics are hilarious! Must see!
Posted by
9:00 PM
VOTE VOTE VOTE Spectacular 6

Welcome To Mambo Mania Night!
Its 8pm folks! LINES ARE OPEN!
Keep those fingers busy - you have just two hours to vote to keep your favourites in the show!
Cue big shiny disco ball and here's a quick reminder of what everyone is singing tonight plus their voting deets!
Sezairi Sezali
Play That Funky Music by Wild Cherry
Call 1900 112 1201 or sms '1' to IDOLS 43657
Each call/sms costs 60cents.
Tabitha Nauser
Ain't Nobody by Chaka Khan
Call 1900 112 1203 or sms '3' to IDOLS 43657
Each call/sms costs 60cents.
Charles 'Stitch' Wong
Take On Me by A-Ha
Call 1900 112 1204 or sms '4' to IDOLS 43657
Each call/sms costs 60cents.

Sylvia Ratonel
I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston
Call 1900 112 1205 or sms '5' to IDOLS 43657
Each call/sms costs 60cents.
Plus don't forget to check out my live tweets/twitpics from backstage throughout the night.
And at 10pm, a fab Results Show awaits with Group Song 'I Just Can't Get Enough', the premiere of the Idols' Burger King Music Video featuring the song 'Sweet Dreams' by The Eurythmics and a special mystery guest star will also be performing tonight!
Let the voting begin!!
xoxo, s.
Posted by
8:00 PM
Idols for We Are One
Love Lego?
Its Saturday, which means the Idols will be comin' out to meet you at a roadshow. Today's roadshow at Bishan Junction 8, 2 - 3pm, is extra special cos you get to do your part for charity too! This is the 4th charity outing for the Idols (previously PSC, Project Hope, Charity Carwash) how's that for giving back to the community :)
Here's whats gonna be happening today :
Your Top 7 will be competing (friendly wan la), with each other to 'sell' as many lego bricks as possible for the We Are One project. Each Lego brick goes for just $2. Simply purchase one (or more) from a Lego volunteer and drop it in the bin in front of your favourite Idol. The Idol with the most bricks 'wins'. (But actually we all win cos the money raised goes to a good cause :))

All the bricks will then go to Ion Orchard to be part of the Lego structure of Singapore Island. and construction started on Thursday til 17 November. All proceeds of the sale of the Lego bricks go to the Community Chest and the President's Challenge 2009. Check out the We Are One site here for more info on the project itself. Its way cool.
I won't be at today's roadshow, so everyone take loads of pics and post it all up on facebook so I can see what happened ya! And if you can, grab some cool vids too and Youtube 'em!
Hope you all have a great time today and all my love and support to the Idol Top 7.
xoxo, s.
ps. Psst! Look out for Malaque, I heard she'll be at the roadshow today :)
pps. Who else from the Idol alum did you spot at the roadshow today? Tell me here cos I'm kaypoh (and so wish I could've been there).
Posted by
2:29 PM
idol roadshow,
idols do charity,
SI Top 7,
We Are One
Idol Day Random pics
Wakey Wakey! Good morning Idol Lovers!
Since we never know who's gonna be going home on Idol Day, here are some random pics taken over the past week... :) collaged so its easier to upload here - click to enlarge....
Since we never know who's gonna be going home on Idol Day, here are some random pics taken over the past week... :) collaged so its easier to upload here - click to enlarge....
These pics were taken on that crazy hot Sunday at the Plaza Singapura roadshow two weekends ago where Daniel Ong made the Idols play the Hands & Feet game. If you missed it, I have it recorded.... check out my post here!
These next few pics were taken just a week ago right after the show in the dressing/green room area. Gabby was acting as temp host for Idol TV.
We're less than 11 hours away from show time....
Right now, Mae, Malaque and Sylvia are at 987FM doing their radio interviews (hurry! tune in!) and the other five (gosh, that number seems so small!) are already at Caldecott Hill, picking up their wardrobe and heading down to the studios for what is to be their usual Idol Day routine of rehearsals, soundchecks and camera blocking!
xoxo, s.
ps. Btw peeps, it's Mae's and Charles' birthdays tomorrow (29th October), so if you're seeing them tonight at the studio, do wish them a Happy Birthday!
Posted by
9:00 AM
charles wong,
idol birthdays,
idol day,
mae sta,
random idol pics,
spectacular 6
Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day! Happy Idol Day!

Oh happy day cos its Idol Day!
Extra happy cos well, its such a fun theme tonight! Its gonna pure disco heaven as the Idols step it up and out Mambo Mania-style!
For a quick look at voting deets and who's singin' what...check the left sidebar. Here's another look at that awesome Mambo trailer that Channel 5's Valren did and the pics I took at the Mambo Mania trailer shoot to get you in da mood for tonight. I just totally love it - everyone looks so in character! Love Malaque's jacket!
Arrrgh I only wish I still had all my videos from the making of it - I actually recorded each Idol (each of the Top 13!) doing this sequence one by one - sigh...dang memory card fail! :( Iz recorded it too, but so far he's only uploaded Airi's sequence - must go chase him to put the rest up ---- oooh I see him on MSN now....!
Tonight's Results Show will also be reeking disco :)
Group song for the night is the Depeche Mode hit 'I Just Can't Get Enough' (yuck, hate them, but The Husband Lurves them! generation gap I say!). But the Idols will be perfoming this version, the most recent cover by The Saturdays...check it out....
Plus, you'll get to see the finished version of the Burger King music video the Idols were shooting last Friday. Click here to see my post about the shoot and here to see Iz's awesome video shot behind the scenes at the shoot!
And (yes there's more), I've just heard that there will be a surprise guest performer on the Results Show - and that performer will be singing a Pointer Sisters classic....hrm....wonder who that could be? Its so top secret, even the Idols don't know!
Aaaaccckss I'm So Excited....cannot wait! I'll be heading down to the studio at about 6pm (my usual) and will tweet when I get there!
Happy Idol Day everyone! Remember, one less soft drink bought today, means two extra votes for your favourite Idol.
xoxo, s.
ps. Don't forget to catch the 3 lovely ladies Mae, Malaque and Sylvia on Official Idol radio station 987FM later at 9am!
Posted by
1:30 AM
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
YOU ASKED FOR IT Spectacular 9
A week Ago, producers gave you all an
assignment....think of songs you'd like your
idols to sing.

that's right - YOU CHOOSE.
Email me at summerrstv@live.com and tell me what you'd like your Idols to sing for Spectacular 9, 'You Asked For It's comin' up next month, November 18th.
Closing date : midnight on 6th November.
Do it. DO IT NOW.
So far, the response has been very encouraging. What are people asking for? Everyone seems to want Duane to sing 'Apologise' by One Republic. For more responses, have a look at my previous post about this.
Remember to leave your contact details because producers will choose 2 winners from this contest and those winners will get a chance to spend time with their Idols on their profile shoot (which is done a few days before Idol Day)....don't wanna miss THAT out now do you?
If you don't wanna leave your contact details here on comments (who would anyway?) - email them to me directly...summerrstv@live.com.
Good luck all and have fun playing 'producer/musical director/vocal coach' !
xoxo, s.
Posted by
10:28 PM
song choice,
spectacular 9,
Viewer's choice,
You Asked For It
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